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Braddock Carnegie Arts Program Curriculum Mission
revised 5/24/07
Prepared by Jaison Pascuzzi

The Braddock Carnegie Arts Program, centered in the clay studio of the Braddock Carnegie Library strives to offer children and adults an opportunity to enrich their lives through the exploration of creative art. Our goal is to bring opportunities in art to all people. Children’s Art The core focus of the Braddock Carnegie Arts Program is providing educational art experiences for children The Braddock Carnegie Arts Program offers art classes, workshops, and field trips for school-age children through partnerships with schools, community members, businesses and government to build opportunities in order to enhance the quality of life through art.

The Braddock Carnegie Arts Program offers a variety of art classes and workshops for Adults and Elementary and Secondary grades levels.

Through art classes and workshops we:

• Strengthen knowledge of the multiple forms of creative art
• Demonstrate avenues of self-expression and constructive thinking through creative arts
• Guide people as diverse learners and assist them in discovering their skills and passion in different forms of artistic media

The Braddock Carnegie Arts Program supports the Pennsylvania Arts and Humanities Standards which are based on National Standards.

The class lessons will incorporate the following areas from the arts standards.

• art production
• knowledge of historical and cultural contexts
• critical response
• aesthetic response