Rathgar: Soon to Be Home Sweet Home
So, I, the fantastical Kathy, found us a place to live for when we get to Dublin. It is in Rathgar, which is South Dublin, with a really funny man named Gerry. We each get our own room (although I am told that my room, the smaller one because I a little, is the size of a hole in the wall - ha, he hasn't seen the place I gardened at).
I'll post more when I'm not madly making plans and working before we leave.
Something I didn't know about Ireland - their postal codes are pretty much just single or double digits according to your county. For instance, our postal code is Dublin 6.
Designed and Maintained By Kathy Trithardt
Other Sites By Kathy Trithardt
Faerywytch Cottage
Clueless Genius
Treasure Hunters