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Anniversary Committees for CAHS Class of 1987

The purpose of the website is to serve as an educational forum for the CAHS Class of 1987 to maintain contact with one another and with The Charlotte Amalie High School. The website will promote or sponsor periodic reunions and other events for class members, other alumni, and current students. The site will also materialize activities for the benefit of Charlotte Amalie High School, our class members' communities, current students, and other alumni. The website will also serve as a voice of The CAHS Class Of 1987 in communicating internally with each other and externally with the school , other alumni groups , the local community , and the world. Any member of our class is the functional equivalence of a manager who can promote a class event or a class idea on the website which must be legal , moral , and in tune with our culture .

Executive Reunion Committee Contact Information

25 th Reunion Photo

USVI testimonial
Reunion Committee Members
Reunion Committee News letters

Reunion Activities - Please confirm reunion dates
Days since the 30 th Reunion Activities on St.Thomas ,USVI

The Year Book
Class Song
Sunday--June 14 , 1987 at 4 pm

Dr. Neil E. Faulkner, MD , Ph.D. - 2012 Commencement Speaker
Dr. Axel Carl Hansen , M.D. - 1987 Commencement Speaker

Vintage Photos Of The 1987 Ladies
Vintage Photos Of The 1987 Gentlemen


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    You Are Invited to Join Charlotte Amalie High School Class of 1987 As A Classmate Or As A Guest.Your Time Will Be Appreciated .    
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