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Written Friday, December 22, 2006
By Kay Lee

To my 33,000 or so MTWT readers:  Because you've tolerated me, encouraged me, enlightened me or learned from me, my 2006 Christmas gift to you is truth.

As one of the prisoners who have gone before me said, "If we know the truth, we must tell it; if we don't, we must learn it!"  It is critical to our spirit.

Something is not right when we feel pressured to hide the truth in order to maintain the status quo. Abe Lincoln has been quoted as saying, "To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men."  I have no desire to be a coward when I most need to be brave, therefore I'm going to show you the skeleton in my closet.

If you don't know me, most of you know a little about my work.  If you feel the need to pass judgment, I hope you will judge me on my merits, not on any manufactured stereotypes.

On December 5th, 2006, I became one of the 1-in-32 Americans to dis-grace the American judicial system. I was arrested in my own room while recovering from open heart surgery in my daughter's home... and charged with "THC Possession".

I was arrested despite Wisconsin Statute 961.41(3g) and my medical statement from a licensed doctor that conforms to that law.  So, at age 63, I've been cuffed, fingerprinted, photographed and charged by the police for the first time in my entire life.  After nearly 30 years of responsible use, I'm tempted to ask what took them so long.

Now and forever, I'm as peaceful as they come... I'm a quiet 63 year old great-grandma recovering from heart surgery, an old lady who would never intentionally harm another person or their property. I don't do dangerous drugs, legal or not, including alcohol or even tobacco (anymore).

So how does a peaceful person who tries to obey God's laws end up on the crowded road to punishment?  Despite our claims to freedom, it's not particularly hard in America.

Being a free person in a supposedly free society, I tend to question everything, particularly as it affects meor my loved ones. In my mid-30s, I realized medicine had become an urgent issue for me...urgent as in suicide and mental hospitals. (You can read all about my pre-marijuana life at

So I began researching, particularly mental health care, including controversial and illegal but natural plants like marijuana. I discovered this plant has a remarkably honorable healing history. In my 30s, I made the choice to try it.

It turned out to be the perfect medicine for me, my mind and body - with side effects I actually enjoy, like increased creativity, spirituality, humor, and a sense of well-being. So Cannabis became my medicine of choice. I've needed no other in all these years.

The one side effect that I can never appreciate is being called a criminal!

I am an asset to this world, helping where, when, and how I can.  I am intelligent, spiritual, loyal to family and friends; I don't hurt children nor animals, nor shuff off my duties as a citizen. I love my country and participate in it's function;  I obey it's laws - as long as they conform to the constitution and the bible.

So how did this happen? What worthless, unjust law made me anything but the good person I've always been?  Why I am now one of my country's undesirables, a burden, an outlaw, a common criminal due in court on January 2nd, 2007 for daring to possess marijuana in my own home?

Make no mistake about it, the worst side effect of 'marijuana' is the very unconstitutional laws against it.

Because I've always lived by God's Laws, I'm fairly ignorant of man's. How does a shy but brave and educated grandmother defend herself and the plant she uses against the justice system that should be protecting her right to use it?

I'm still who I always was, but now I'm wearing the mislabel of 'U.S. Criminal'.  My family may have to do without me for awhile. Those I help will be a little less comfortable. My fellow Americans are about to be over-billed for my incarceration.  I'm told I deserve it for my responsible use of a non-toxic natural element that never caused me to be cruel to anyone. Surely no one believes that the people of this country are better off with laws that cause the arrest of hundreds of people like me daily?

In the face of all this, it makes no sense to me that I should be judged. Isn't - or shouldn't it be that the exact criteria we use to judge a bad law is "Does it hurt good people?" Instead of wasting all this effort on me, what needs our attention is the law that turned the perfectly natural behavior of trying to raise my quality of life into a crime!   Whatever happens, I will keep reminding myself, "I am not a criminal, this time the LAW is wrong."

I, of course, continue to hope my peers will judge the law as well as me and the plant, but should worse come to worse, I will keep you informed and updated. If you have suggestions, advice, comments, or criticism, let me have it...I'm a tough old bird.  If you want to be taken off my list, contact me.  If you learned something, let me know.

Regardless of what you think of me now, don't neglect the truth: If it hurts good people it is a bad law: It is every citizens' duty to change bad laws. That is the unequivocal price of freedom.

Merry Christmas,
Kay Lee

The above was posted to a variety of lists, most of whom are not actively pursuing an end to prohibition or the drug war, nor the legalization of 'marijuana'.  I have reserved this area for the myriad of great  responses to "The Skeleton In My Closet".  Kay Lee






Kay Lee
My Cannabis Research
My Prison Work: Making The Walls Transparent