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Responses to the

I am going to include some of the many responses I received to this email. I will also include the writer's initials and the name of the list the reader saw my email on if applicable.

Please read my comments and keep KayLee in your prayers. She is a member of our group. Our prisons are full of people like KayLee who haven't harmed anyone but have used something the law said was wrong.  Montel Williams uses it for his MS and has told it several time on his show. I don't know if he has a Dr's slip and it is sent to him or not. Our government grows and sends it to some of the citizens which is not a well known fact KayLee doesn't belong in a prison cell Many others don't either. Please pray for her. She has had such a hard time with her health and still hasn't completely recovered.

I was going to send this privately to KayLee but decided to share it with the group too::::

KayLee this is horrible!!!! I know you haven't fully recovered from the heart surgery either.

My son used marijuana and when he didn't he was in the garage sitting in the dark or in bed all day telling me the only thing he needed was a bullet for his gun.  He was suicidal most of the time. He has a lot of back pain from two back surgeries. He has not spoken to me in 7 years but if he is still using it I am ok with it.

We have lawyers, doctors, etc. who use it so I am surprised something hasn't been done to stop this law.  As you said, you didn't harm anyone. I know there are people who misuse it but without it some people couldn't function at all in the world.

So many are in prison for using this and I sure hope you are not one of these people.  All this does now is make the lawyers a lot richer!

My prayers and thoughts are with you KayLee you don't deserve any of this!!! You will not be taken of outsidelookingin4U so don't worry about that ever. 

I am glad your family is there for you. I can't image the humiliation you went through with all of this.

I have been arrested too.  When I went through a bad divorce 24 years ago and my ex lied on me and it was dismissed but I remember the finger printing and photo. I wasn't handcuffed. I was allowed to come in myself. That was the time he said I stole from him. The next time he broke my windshield but said he did it because I was trying to kill him with my car. That wasn't true either and was dismissed. I asked if they could use the same photo and they said no. You are loved and cared for so never forget that. I appreciate all the work you have done.
A on

You have helped redefine the word "criminal." Your case shows that criminals can be good caring people too. Thank you for your courage and ... welcome to the other-side. LR

I am praying you don't have to go to jail. How outrageous our laws are!!!! I was listening to Phil Valentine on the radio the other day when he said with one in 32 in prison today we are all just one step from being arrested and jailed.  I am beginning to think that is very true.

My heart goes out to you, as we have also been victims of the system- though through other circumstances. Isn't it 'good to know' how government tries to protect us from ourselves, and how government decides what is best for us. (not only marijuana, but vitamins, herbs, and God help us, seat belts) I came to this country 48 years ago (yes, legally), under the impression of the great, free US.  well, even back then, it did not take me long to figure out that there was very little 'free' about the US.  And look at us now.

God bless- look up and look forward. rita

Did they have a search warrant? This all sounds quite illegal. The law is not just and I truly hope the charges against you are dropped. You are  a wonderful person who has done much to help  prisoners. You are by every action a good and just Christian. God Bless you and keep you safe.

Hi Kaylee, I found this really interesting to read... I know this is a very controversial subject here so I thought I would put my "two cents worth" in before our Mother Rain has a chance to say "topic not up for discussion"!!!

I have to come from a different point of view as Marijuana was my "drug of choice" for about seven years during those 30 years of alcoholism (remember, I have 23 years sobriety now)... I used the marijuana for many of the same reasons that you stated BUT because I have the disease of alcoholism (or addiction) this "illegal" drug turned on me!!! The hallucinations that began during the sixth year of using were terrifying and made my mental health problems even worse... The "pot" turned on me physically and emotionally... I ended up being hospitalized and suffering from anxiety and panic attacks... I became agoraphobic for many years, afraid of EVERYTHING!!! 

Being in a 12 step program (seems this is my "purpose" this evening out here) I've heard many stories from those who have had similar experiences to mine... The conclusion I have come to is one that makes sense in "my world"... If one does not have mental health issues (I am bi-polar and have PTSD) and can "drink to have a drink with friends" and not being the one who does not know "when to stop", then recreational use of marijuana is actually less destructive than alcohol... But that is the exception to the rule with not only myself but with our angels who are incarcerated due to having the disease of alcoholism and/or drug addiction...

The "side affects" for those of us who have this disease is severe, and I say that from experience... If that were not true then 80% of those in prison for alcohol and drug related crimes would not even be incarcerated!!! Many years ago I was "hooked" both physically and emotionally to marijuana and one experience I had will show you just how "insane" one can become due to that addiction...

I was employed in an Architectural office ~ a very professional setting~ and I designed homes, businesses, etc. doing working drawings for construction... After work one day I went to a drug house all dressed up in my work clothes, walked in where every type of drug was being used... The men in that room were bikers and down and out "hard core" drug addicts... In my "bravado" I was pissed off because this dealer had burned me for one simple little "lid of weed"... I went off on him big time despite the fact that I was in a very dangerous place!!! If that isn't addiction, then I don't know what is because that was a very "insane" thing for me to do.....

Marijuana needs to be as legal as alcohol in my opinion, but the dangers that both bring to society can't be ignored!!! Especially within this group where so many of us pay dearly emotionally because of where these substances have taken our angels... I agree with your point of view in the "normal world" but where we and our angels are is not in that same (so called normal) world...

(Sorry everyone ~ my "bi-polar self" seems to be in high gear this night!!!)

L on

Dear Kaylee,

I received a copy of an email you sent out on 12/21 in my online political group today. After reading it, I was certain that we are sisters in a very real way.  I truly understand what you're saying, and why,  and I know that you've done the hard work, the real hard work that is required to get to where you are now.

I've had a similar journey but without the benefit of marijuana.    I too was also brought up in a way that first, made me irrelevant, and then because I was irrelevant it was necessary to dominate me and crush every bit of my true self that dared to expose itself.  For my own good of course. 

I spent a good thirty years trying to understand why that had to be my experience as a child because it caused me so much damage as a human being.  It almost killed me on three different occasions, or  I almost killed myself because life was so painful that it wasn't worth living.  Oppression and control does terrible harm to children, and it cripples adults who are unable to escape it.

Our current government is psychopathic and they are raging controllers.  They don't feel secure unless everyone around them is bound and gagged.  They have serious problems.  Unfortunately they also have all of the money and power, they make all the rules and they won't take no for an answer.  Even when it's the only right answer and everyone knows it. 

It mystifies me that these people can wage bloody war non-stop for decades, killing millions of innocent people, and then deem to throw someone into a prison cell for smoking plant leaves in the privacy of their own living room. Plant leaves.  Something that grows out of the ground.  You cannot give plants a ticket and tell them not to exist.  So you must vilify and demonize natural human behavior.   In how many ways is this wrong?  Can I count that high?

It can't be justified, it's asinine.

We don't need to be judged by the government, and we certainly don't need a society obsessed with conforming to state imposed virtues.  We don't benefit from controlling, arbitrary, intrusive laws.  We don't benefit from having anything imposed on us. We don't benefit from a medical establishment that is functionally disabled, convinced of it's infallible perfection, and deeming itself qualified to judge us, then condemn us to whatever indignity it desires.  Doctors kill people and don't care.  The system covers it up.  They are getting rich, they have been programmed to be ineffective losers with delusions of grandeur, and their egos and pocketbooks are regularly rewarded by their masters, the pill makers, their peers, to masterbate each others' egos and agree that they know everything,  which proves it; and by the general public who comes to them in droves, on their knees, unquestioningly believing they are qualified and desire to help.  What a load of dysfunctional crap it's all become. 

It kind of makes me want to hurl sometimes.

I visited your website and just want you to know, I can tell you are wonderful. You are also in the right.  There is no question there.  The marijuana struggle is such an in-your-face example of running up against state power who is making ridiculous demands that they cannot justify.   You should never have to justify your personal behavior to anyone, much less the state.  It's an outrage.  I am in awe of you for being able to remain so gracious as you educate the authoritarians.  I get way too angry to be able to get anywhere near those people.  I really don't like them.  I don't respect anything about them. 

I don't really know what you're facing, but for what it's worth, I am out here as your fervent supporter.   You have faced all of the ugly truths of being here in this place and time, and after being violated again and again by all of those people and institutions that are supposedly there to protect us, you still manage to possess that positive warmth and humility.  You can walk amongst the scum without getting your shoes dirty.  I admire that.  I would go ape and end up behind bars.  I need to work on that a little.

I could write more, I could chew your ear off, but I won't impose on your time like that.  Your words were so compelling and resonated so intensely with me, that I had to write you and extend my hand in solidarity.  I know we have both walked over hot coals and for that were discarded to the edges of
society where fortunately, we could finally get on with our lives. 

I want to say, if there's anything I can do let me know, but I can't think of anything I can do.  I guess I just want to see justice for you very much, and just find it hard to sit here unable to make it happen.  If you want to write, I'd like that.  If you need some artwork, I could help with that. If you need nothing from me, that's great too.  Just know that you have a fervent fan and supporter that sees you as a Queen.  You speak the truth, and it is powerful.  You'll be successful no matter what happens.

Come see my website and blog if you're at all interested. is my website and I'm very proud of it.  It has a whole lot of really great movies about truth.  A rare commodity in this day and age. is my blog.  It's fairly new but it gets mention at bartcop and democratic underground and buzzflash.  Kind of swell.  I'm easily thrilled.  What can I say?

Kaylee, you are no one's inferior.  There is not a single aspect of your life that you should apologize for.  Anyone who disrespects you is completely out of line.  And for those who feel compelled to judge
you negatively, that is going to have to be their problem.  Ignorance is so unattractive isn't it?  You are solid gold and don't you forget it. Your wisdom will guide you through this.  You're lifting this society
from the bottom and there is no greater good that you could do, and no heavier load. 

With affection,

Kay Lee, I am furious about this happening to you and to all those that have gone before you.

I know you will take this battle on to bring attention to what our governing body is doing to the The American Citizens of this  Country.  My son is a chronic pain patient and I can not tell you what we go through to just have his legal RX much less the years he has spent incarcerated for his use of illegal drugs. I pray that changes will be made in our injustice system that is making criminals out of those that are seeking relief in their physical bodies and stop filling our prisons with non violent citizens that end up paying a higher price due to the abuse, torture, brutality of the prison system

Thank you for sharing with all of us and I am hear for you. If I can do anything for you please do not hesitate to ask. I will pray for your protection from the cruelty of the legal system.

Blessings Prayers, FloNell, People Against Prison Abuse aka PAPA 

So good to hear from you KayLee; I have missed you terribly; Sweetie I am so sorry you had to go through this crap;   Did this get sent to my son?

I turned 70 the 20 of Dec; boy am I feeling it.  If this happened to me I would be a goner. You are so strong and we all pull together and prosper from just knowing you. This is no skeleton its our way of life;

Merry Christmas, Happy New year;  I pray for the happiest ever of holidays for you and yours;  In spite of it all; loving  you Joey says.
D and H

It is NOT the LAW.  If it isn’t in the Bible it is NOT a law.  King of kings’ Bible – Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not ADD unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish [ought] from it, that ye may keep the Commandments of the "I AM" your God which I COMMAND you.
JAH Forwarded to 

TO ALL MY LEGAL ACTIVISTS:  PLEASE DO WHAT YOU CAN FOR KAY LEE !  sRJ Forwarded to all lawyers and re-legalization activists on lists that I maintain privately with the request that they contact you with any help you may want, and I trust that you will write to me personally with any specific requests.  You are in my hopes and prayers always, sRJ


Thankfully, I live in a country where Chavez has forbidden that people with less than an ounce of pot be bothered. But at age 13, without even a diagnosis, I realized it made the seizures go away, and my life went from total chaos -including my being shipped from and to Chile many times- to total order. I even became a sample of conduct at school!

Today I still use it to control some seizures, but also take about 4 other meds, and I'm not sure what's worse.

Love and support for GOD made pot, and He made nothing bad!

Vanessa Di Domenico
Maracaibo, Venezuela

You, my lady, are not alone in this, the old land of the free, home of the brave. That was the premise that was used by our forefathers to set the rules of laws in our land. But those days are long gone from our shores. Today it is the land of Home Land Security, and the Patriot Act, A land where we now encourage children to report the action of the parents, and parents to report anyones actions.  Where no one is secure either in home nor person any longer. I am sorry for you but don't think for a sec I think you are wrong or a criminal. Just keep on being KayLee. We need so many more like you. But there is only one Kaylee out there for us all...
Thank you,
God bless you
Bob Haynes

I was arrested too,


Kay, I agree with you 100%. Hang in there. Maybe we CAN change the world by speaking the truth. Merry Christmas to you also.

K S. J
Managing Editor
XXX News

Hello Kaylee 

Got your email, what is happening to you is so believable......Yesterday i was called to court, ... accusing me of marijuana possesion...  shocked by how many folks showed up for me.. XX told both sherriffs depts and both courthouses about my medical use. I told the court, she is never to step foot in my home again, and if the police/sherriff want to search my home, fine and welcome, But Bring a Search Warrant!!!!!!!  So now I am feeling what Randy Brush feels, unreal.................. will be riding another  journey on april8 2008.    west to east this time  :) 

take care and be strong. Peace and Love to ya

Kenny Locke
Journey for Justice Seven 

We support you 100%. Kaylee,  I've been there.   I was raided by police in my own home due to a rat neighbor. I have a doctors recommendation, under California law I'm legal to possess and grow it.  Anyways I support you 100%. 

When your court case comes up I highly recommend you use a religious exception.  THe supreme court just ruled against the CSA (Controlled Substances Act) and for the citizens when it comes to Ayhuasca (it contains a scheduled substance DMT) the Indians now have the right to use this plant.  YOu should use this
precedent.  In exodus 30:23 there is a mention of annointing oil named kanef bossom.  This is the Hebrew
word.  Translated it means scented cane  and many beleive it to be a reference to cannabis.  ANyways
since our laws are clearly and inexcusably wrong (they are saying God made a mistake)  Anyways this is your best defense since it was decided at the federal level.  Please email me if you need anything.  I am
here for you.  Ive been through it.  Don't consider yourself a criminal.  That's simply not true.  The criminals are the people that make bad laws.

-T W.

 when fun is outlawed only outlaws will have fun

From another Kay - 

Kay Lee.... I have just read your email to the group and then went on to read of your struggle with depression....I can relate to all of it except the "plant"....haven't tried it or have no idea where to obtain it.  Like you I want to get up an protest about many things that are handled badly in this country {Canada} but havent the energy ....I am still in the dark place most of the time and always ill from something....and I think the meds just add to the fog...I hope you will communicate with me so that I can follow you on your path....looks like I am far behind I am here....I have been praying for guidance but have never found anyone who could understand what it is like to be me.

I try to snap out of it but just cant and it is so much easier to slide back into the darkness.....Thanks for sharing because I now know that I am not alone here.........Kay

I talked to Kay about a year ago in person at Ken's fair well party, , where he road his bike across the country, US, with medical marijuana folks. Me and my daughter who also has a TBI, tramatic brain injury, like Ken, really enjoyed our visit and gave us hope for the future without fear of a legal battle over our choice of medicine.

I'am going over to Ken's house during the holiday, he lives near by, and see if Kay's legal case needs any support with the likes of ASA, American's for Safe Access, who knows me and my daughter. I'am making a stand also at the moment and do not, I repete that I don't care about the legal battle anymore...the truth is going to be told again and again. If the legal arena doesn't listen we will and are shouting alot louder.

Tom.... who has no medicine this holiday season because he's disabled and without any resources to find any relief from the mighty herb.


When I escorted those boy's thru the south western part of Missouri, in support of legalizing perscription marijuana, I half expected to be picked up and questioned. But when your supporting some thing that you believe in that's against the Law then those things happen. It might be hard for you at this time to under stand this but every time they arrest you it's an advertisement for your cause, especially if it's in the papers.

Your 63, I'm seventy five. To me your a young lady. I have had two heart attacks and one stroke starting six years ago. A couple of months ago I was in the hospital again because my heart took off and started fluttering and they had to slow it down. Maybe it was from the Brandy that I had been sipping every night. I've got a hernia in my stomach and ulsers. In my left foot I've got, of all things, A gout complicated by Arthritus.

I've never smoked marijuana in my whole life but I am for the legalization of it for perscription purposes and have stated so in the papers with my name attached to it. And if possible the legalization of it period. One of Richard Nixons Cabinate members was for the legalization of marijuana. It shocked him when he found out. I'll have to look it up again and get his name.

I have put my reputation on the line as a good citizen in this area and a few let me know that they had read my article in the paper about marijuana, all positive. However, I am not the driving force for the legalization of marijuana. I've got other work to do before I cash in.

I still am working for Juvenile Prison Reform and I do write letter to prisoners. If I remember from reading the Bible some of the early christians were thrown into prison by violateing the Laws. I'm not saying that those that I write to are innocent, but they are human being's.

I'm sure however that I have had people watching me as a couple that had stayed here for a couple of days were investigated and Homeland Security had checked at their house in Mexico to find out more about them. He was my grandson that had been one of the first to cross over into Iraq and doesn't smoke either. He's also into security and works a government contract.

Talk about the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

We all have our sin's because we're human. If we didn't, there would be no need for churches. Christ said it best, "those with out sin can throw the first rock". We've all got our closet to hide in. In all my years on earth, I have never known any one that doesn't have a problem that they would want to brag about, even myself. When I served on the Leonard Firestone Federal Grand Jury, I was beginning to think that there were no good people on this earth. And Yet, they were all around me.

There are a lot of people inside and out side of prison that Love you. I missed you on the Bike Ride for legalized perscription for marijuana. Your a beautiful Human being. The young man that I talked to on that Biking for perscription really thought a lot of you. Admired, would be a better word.

            GOD-BLESS YOU  
           Frank D. Woodruff

I signed it big so that if anyone is monitoring your E-mail they can read it.

Hi Kay,

Please let me know what I can do to help you with this!

Love, Sherry

Kay,  You should know full-well that there is no reason for apologies; to any of us, the state of Wisconsin, or the federal government.  I for one, stand with you, and I know I stand with one VERY large crowd.

Depression is a very real and terrible disease, no different than Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, Lou Gehrig’s disease, or any other condition that is currently being treated successfully by cannabis.  You don't have to have scars or a missing limb to be disabled. 

You most certainly don't have to apologize for using and possessing cannabis.  Without cannabis, I, too, have no hope of any level of normality.  But of course, I know, there are those in authority who would like nothing better than to lock us all up, and indeed, unless we all stand together and fight the good fight, we most certainly can expect nothing less.

Who initiated the search?  It continues to shock and (awe) amaze me how ignorant law enforcement and physicians in this country are to cannabis.  How did law enforcement explain probable cause for their search?

When you can, please send me details on the charges and sentencing.

I hope its ok... I'm posting your email as you have written it on the j4j7 website (and my personal website) along with your picture - front page for everyone to read.  I'm sending out emails to everyone I know who will run with this one.  I assure you, the state of Wisconsin will be hearing from us.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, my friend. 

Mark D. Pedersen

If we don't hang together, we will hang separately!  Aside from which I have been extremely grateful for your wonderful posts to Lis-LEAF over the years.

I fervently pray that one of the 30+ lawyers across the country and in every state that abuts and is arguably near to WS will contact you soon.

Check with the Law Offices of Robert G. Bernhoft
207 East Buffalo Street
Suite 600
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
414-276-2822 Fax

And see if Jeff Dickstein is still there.  He's a friend of Larry Becraft's and mine from the Tax Honesty movement, and a Super-Lawyer.  If he's not willing to help he may know someone near who is, and let me know his email address if you learn of same (it used to be  but I doubt that's any good now).

As for the things you want to produce, it's generally best to never volunteer anything, especially without the advise of counsel. 

Keep me posted when anyone contacts you and in all other regards.  sRJ


I just got through reading your story and how much I can relate to what you have went through. My husband worked in the coal mines for 17 yrs and been covered up with coal before which caused his back injury (10 different injuries after that because of reinjuries), lost a finger, fell off a 30' highwall and injured his leg which required 4 different surgerys and was almost electrocuted once...he had gone into a deep depression too, doctors put him on painpills....his pill of choice was Fiorinal #3 with codiene....he started taking more and more then took them with Xanax plus drinking alcohol.....this combination made him very angry all the time....he did things and said things he would never had said to me if he was in his right mind....there was constant argueing with our son Brian during his teenage years (the one thats in prison now)....then one day Roger took a gun and played Russian roulette, he couldn't stand the constant pain he was always in...but by the Grace of God Brian walked in and saw what was happening...just as he pulled the trigger Brian put his finger between the hammer and the other part and took the gun away from him....he saved his dads life because the next chamber had the bullet in it....Everybody told Roger he was a puke and most of his friends quit hanging out with him....he had smoked pot before his accidents but he had quit for awhile he started smoking the pot again. When he smokes pot he is such a happy person again, not that bitter person he was...I would rather him smoke pot than take pills anyday, but like you he has to worry about getting caught when he goes to get it....Roger and I have been together for 33 yrs now and Brian understands what caused all their problems when he was a teenager and has since forgiven him of all the turmoil in our lives.

The laws on pot should be my opinion alcohol is alot more dangerous than smoking pot to ease arthritis, pain, relieving stomach problems, pain of glaucoma or depression.....Driving under the influence of alcohol has killed more people and destroyed more families than people driving after smoking pot.

Kaylee I hope the judge will read your story it really touched my heart knowing how much you've went through and made it through so much heartache...and by God if pot helps you you should be able to do it in your home....your not hurting anybody by doing it and it helps you to have a quality life again...The law really does need to be changed...even Montel Williams will agree with are NOT a criminal so on Jan. 2nd I hope the judge rules in your favor...your a strong woman I know you'll be ok....Keeping you in thoughts and prayers......Luv ya, SB/B  (Lost Angels)

Dear Kay,

Is that why I cannot get you to do a forum for us at Atlanta Friends Meeting (Quakers)? I will hold you in
the Light for your recovery and your trip through the injustice system.

I, too, have been arrested, twice, lately for non-crimes; driving without a license and obstructing a police officer. Both were deliberate actions on my part. I have driven as a free person for 10 years and I arranged ahead of time with the cop to arrest me (again). He had done so two years ago at the same demonstration.

I have a favor to ask, one that is meant to beard the lion in his den. I wrote this tongue-in-cheek article to teach a simple act of civil disobedience to as huge an audience as possible. I wrote it last Friday and have gotten it on as many lists (except one) as I'm a member of plus my personal address book. Please consider forwarding it to your list (or edit it to your liking). I did not originate this ploy. I feel that it will monkey wrench one of the most vile organizations in the world and the one that funds most of the rest, the IRS. Here it is: 

I'm Shocked

 I recently learned of a dastardly tactic being proposed by unpatriotic, monkeywrenching America-Haters. It is apparently based upon a requirement within the beautifully bureaucratic regime of the Treasury Department's IRS (Lord Bless the holy employer of otherwise unemployable marshmellow-spined young men and women with law and/or accounting degrees) that every single Form 1040 that enters their maw be thoroughly investigated for correctness (by golly, a proper expedient. We cannot have errors polluting our dear government's Democratic efforts to redistribute the ill-gotten wealth of this otherwise pure, patriotic if almost totally servile, sheeple). If you are following this dreaded  thought to the same disgusting conclusion that leapt to my mind, one revulses at the tactic I heard proposed; namely that persons fill out and send in Form 1040s with completely fictitious information. I heard that they might use www dot fakenamegenerator dot com to make this easier. Why, just think of the chaos that would ensue if thousands of fictitious 1040s came into the processing centers at the same time as deliberately unscrupulous normal filings of tax-cheating actual persons. Why, some of these malefactors might get overlooked due to the economy of allocating scarce investigatory  resources. 

 It disturbs me endlessly to think of these paper-dynamite-throwing Guy Fawkses entering our enclaves of public servitude that distribute our voluntary submission materials like Post Offices and Public Libraries, wearing gloves to hide their fingerprints and removing large quantities of booklets and forms (1040s, 1040As, etc), repairing to their evil dens and indulging in  this nefarious enterprise. The thought that they would, fox-like, use every trick and artifice to shield themselves from the proper efforts of our Constitutionally endowed standing army, the FBI( hosanna, hosanna), to root (see: strike-the-root dot com) them out (such as using bottle water, instead of spit, to apply proper postage and seal envelopes) just makes me see red(s, under every bed). 

I even heard of a suggestion that these dastardly individuals (gotta DO something about this word appearing so much in the early literature of this Democracy) might use the letter "V" as a middle initial of these non-persons or somewhere in the address or something. 

I approach you, as a fellow right-thinking Patriot to aid in my appeal to these wrong-thinking, misdirected (There ARE all these FEMA camps they might be PROPERLY directed to) individuals (there's THAT word again. I feel like one of the Knights-who-say-neeeh recurringly finding himself saying the eye-tee word) to refrain from this enterprise and seek new employment as a government spy. Many former supporters of a mythical 2nd amendment "Right to Bear Arms" now work for the NRA and actually help PROPOSE gun control legislation, so, anything is possible with these nut-cases.

John Boanerges Redman, Prophet of God, Quaker
reformer, PITA to the comfortable

I have a blog (
and I don't mind if people go there. I also have some threads on and the Claire
Files ( I dispense my simplistic brand of "wisdom" from time
to time. I also really like an awful lot.

Thanks for working for those who are incarcerated in the land of the free????? unfortunately the jails are over full with people who were only hurting themselfs with drugs. while not the best for people or society either are cigarettes, booze and gambling. god bless - A.  

Non Illegitimi Carborundum!

Hang in there. You are not alone and those who would abandon you aren’t worth a warm bucket of spit. Have a great Christmas and let us know what we can do to help.

Frank Kopczynski, Host  
Listen online at 

Dear Kay Lee,

I have been and now remain an admirer and supporter of you and your writing, your use of marijuana, notwithstanding. I do not believe the laws against Marijuana are fair or just, however, the law is the law and you knowingly risked this result for many years.

I would advise you to find the best attorney you can to fight this. Do not ever admit guilt! If you have already admitted guilt, then recant that and claim innocence. Force the state to prove every iota of the charge and hope there is some flaw in the evidence that will allow you to escape a conviction. Remember that court action is basically unjust and honesty is not a virtue in court.

Remove this email message of yours and any other writing that admits guilt for use of marijuana. Destroy any records  and fight against the charges.

John A. Pizer

Dear Kay,

Once again, your writing of the truth is eloquent and a great example of another miscarriage of justice. Are you in touch with Gary Storke and his group in Wisconsin?  This is what I have for Gary: <>. If you'd like a phone number, I can locate it for you. He may be able to help with some media or other support in Wisconsin. Your situation is almost surreal. Hopefully, some good attention will be brought to it, if it goes anywhere. If not, that will be a good win. Happy holidays! We wish you the best of luck and a happy, healthy, and victorious (in court) 2007! 

-- Mikki Norris

Kay  --- I can't believe this -- well, yes I can --  Maybe you are the answer of our prayers, maybe it is you that will change the law. There is always a reason for everything.   You are by far a criminal. How could we ever think little of you. You have such a big heart, and have so much love that you have shared with so many. Your knowledge and understanding is beyond anything I can ever imagine.  I love you for who you are, what you have done for me and our guys and gals behind barbed wire.   I wish we could all be at your hearing. I am sorry I am so far away.  I am here for you as you have always been for me and for all of us.  

Stay healthy and keep fighting.   Love you  -- Merry Christmas --- Bea The Florida Lolits 

tom -- makes me heartsick to do this -- but if kay lee says okay -- we will put her on the wall -- using some pics from the first journey for justice - and some outside stark...

kay lee -- i don't even know what to say - as happy holidays sounds stupid. did you get sentenced yet?
Nora Callahan
Executive Director
November Coalition Foundation
282 West Astor
Colville, WA 99114
(509) 684-1550 
Working to end drug war injustice, the November Coalition is nonprofit educational foundation -- donations are tax deductible.
Visit us on the web at

My Dearest Friend,

I took the time this morning to read your story. Not much in it surprised me, knowing you as I do. I knew of the arrest. Can I myself down you or judge you? No! For I use the very same medicine to help with my medical condition. What I never stopped to realize is that your live was so very much like mine, until I read this story.

At the age of thirteen, I also enter that world of depression you speak of.

All of my life I too was a very fragile child. In and out of hospital from the very young age of 3 weeks old. You see when I was at that age I had a medical problem which is only found they say in the elderly. So at 6 months I under went a series of operations. During that very first operation which took, place December 31, 1948 when I was just two to three weeks old a nurse who was celebrating New Years eve a little early was on duty. Drank as she was she still came to work.

Because I was so small and was having breathing, problems the doctors decided to place what was call a hot air vaporizer next to me to see if that would help me breath a little better. In her drinking state of mind, the nurse bumped into that vaporizer and sent boiling hot water all over my face and upper body, leaving the right side of my face very burnt. At the age of eleven, I had my first operation of many that were to follow.

At the age, thirteen I enter into the world of depression. It was a dark place; it turned me into a loner and made me antisocial. I went for days without eating or talking to anyone. Did not have to think about taking all those pills, the doctors already had me on all you could think of. Killing myself was a thought, but I was never alone long enough to try something like that, but the thought did resurfaced many years later. Buy the time they resurfaced I had already become a mother with children of my own to care for. My thoughts always came around to “who would care for these kids if I did killed myself?” So quickly, I ran to a doctor for help. Help came in many different bottles, sizes, and colors, all of which did nothing but turn me into a walking zombie that could not function or care for her children. Yet still dealing with lots of pain, which no doctor seemed to be able to find medication enough to ease the pain I dealt with each day.

Then one day, my brother came to me and said, “I know your going to get mad but for me just try this. With that, he handed me a joint. In addition, he said it might help, but if you do not try it, you will never know. Therefore, I sat back and lit the joint and wondered, “Is this really going to work” Is this one little joint going to take away all this pain that I have lived with all these years?

Twenty minutes later, I thought to myself…see it did not work but than as I stated to move around I realized “It’s gone! The pain it is gone. At first, I thought I was imagining thinks, so I went to my brother and asked if I could try one more just to make sure. I could not believe it. It worked the pain was gone. Like you said in your letter, the light came on and I started to think clearly for the first time in many years. But more importantly, the pain was gone. I could not have been happier. I was 31 years old and had never tried anything like this before but one think was for sure, I was final going to do away with all these pills that the doctors had given me that was of no use for pain whatsoever. I had found a new and improved medication that did work. I took all my pills, introduced them to the toilet bowel, and flushed. Moreover, you said it best “And I have, never, ever looked back. I thank God and His plant for the healing. He said everything I needed was here and He meant it.”

I too have made many mistakes in my life but as you, I have raised all my children with Jeffrey gone most of the time as a “guest” of the state. Entering Collage at 47 (pre-Law) moved to Arkansas and moved on with what I thought would be a happy life. Until I became sick once again with RA and MS. This illness kept me in a wheelchair for a year and a half during that time; I kept fighting to bring myself back. As you know, our daughter was killed in a car crash at the end of 99. From there you know the rest. Now I deal with a sick daughter who is fighting cancer and the deal with my husband being an eyewitness to an inmate-to-inmate murder of which the state of Florida is now trying to say that he was involved in.

Without my medicine, I would be of no good to anyone let alone myself.

I too rejoice in dealing with fewer doctors, without all the drugs and defiantly with out all the depression that I once new. I could never live with out the medicine that has help me through so much and kept me going all these many years.

Do not think for a minute that you owe anyone anything not even an I am sorry do you owe. I think more of you now than ever before. Standing up for what you think and so many of us think is right is always the way to go. People who judge you must judge themselves first. In addition, those same people who believe they live in the land of the free haven’t really taken a good look lately.

No one should neglect the truth, when it hurts good people and it usually does we should all work together to do something about it. It is a bad law a law that should be helping sick people keeps them from the very thing that works. It is everyone’s duty to work together to get bad law changed in to good ones to help the sick that at times cannot help themselves.

As we have both learned fighting is the ONLY way to gain, walking away gets you nothing. Remember I am always here should you need anything. I too will be with you in sprit on January 2 2007.

Much Love and Respect Always,

Kay, I hope you remember me on the Lolits web site and I meant what I said. If you will give me a phone number where you are at, I will call you. I would love to talk to you (no, not to be nosey). You have REALLY BEEN AN INSPIRATION TO ME AND I THANK YOU. 


Kay, I can only "DITTO" what Bea said.  I'm glad you're my friend. I hope that tells you where you stand with me... If there is anything I can do to make your burden lighter .....let me know.  Jeri

Hi Kay Lee,

Sorry to hear about your crazy arrest! The medicine NEEDs to be made legal, already!!!! I met you in Key West with the late great Joe Hart and the effervescent Roy Himmelberger. Stay healthy and positive. Maybe they will throw out the case! I will pray for you and all those arrested for these barbaric laws!!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Hey girl, you are still number one in my book.  I guess they have nothing better to do than bother us old ladies.  Stay strong, we are here for you.

Hi Kay Lee!  Is the spelling correct?

I am 69 year old 'tough bird' also.  My sister (66) is home recovering from triple by-pass.  She is getting back on Paxil and hope that she will be more open to company after a week more of recovery.  So,--I know and pray that you are safe and that your medical needs are being met.

I have a son who is much more balanced when he smokes marijuana and a tortured soul when he doesn't.  He is 47.  I know people who say the same things about people that they know.  I have never tried it.  Maybe I should but would probably cough myself to death.

I am thinking that perhaps God has given you a job.  One that could influence the many people around you by your actions and knowledge.  By spreading the word of what a blessing this crop could and should be.  The wonderful material and product that come from it and not just the medical benefits should all be included in changing the laws.  You are able to write very well in explaining yourself and I would suppose you would be able to speak as fluently also.  Make lemonaide and continue to get the word out.

I have no money,  two divorces and living solely on SS but can pray for you and your mission.  More powerful than money any day. 

Sister in Christ, Joan J.

Kaylee, So where's the skeleton?

KayLee,  you have only done what most of us have and I do not and can not find any fault with you.  Your hard work and compassion outweigh anything in your closet. 

I used marijuana in my young days and I wish it were legal.  It is much safer than alcohol.  If it were legal I would certainly still use it to knock the stress off at the end of the day instead of wine or beer and my liver would be thanking me.


Dear Kay,

I just wanted to wish you a Happy Christmas and I hope that the New Year will bring you a sensible outcome to your charges.

It was very brave of you to share this personal info with the group and you have my admiration for that.

I hope that whatever the State decides to do in your situation is not too harsh.

I'm pretty sure that you already are aware, but just in case you are not; don't forget that Prison Talk has a huge wealth of info about the prison system and many members that have been through similar experiences. I am a moderator on that site.

Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

Much love,
(LifeLines/Prison Talk)

I was reading the letter you sent about the cops coming into your room.  Did they arrest you and do you have to go to jail?  What a horrible experience! 

I just can't understand why they waited til you were laid low and powerless to come in and arrest you.  They've known about you for years, why not during any of that time?  This doesn't look good for their side.

Insist on full discloser. If an informer that went out into the field to obtain evidence they must disclose his name and if a cop they must expose him as such.. EP

Merry Christmas Kaylee!
My husband has cancer he went through surgery and Chemo plus Rad,,,,,,, it has helped him relieve pain and try to gain back 15 pounds which he has lost and still  has only gained back 2 pounds.   Some of these pain killers are addicting, we do not want to go there so, If God has put this plant on the earth with all the other plants, we must use it..... Of course to our discretion. We have used plants forever to cure so don't be hard on yourself.  I think you're a wonderful person.
God Bless you!

Hi, they were arresting woman who were just carrying MJ, for others and putting them in prison for 10 or 20 years manatory law. They broke up homes, and destroyed familes in the name of the law. THAT WAS NYC......... There are a lot of laws that sound good on paper, but don't really serve justice.

God bless you. Keep going strong!!!!!  I have no faith in the judicial system as you well know.  It will soon be my son Patrick's 6th year in prison for murder he did not commit.  Even the mother of the victim has contacted me to tell me that she thinks he is innocent.  All I can say is, get some money saved for a good attorney.  We are so broke from all of this, I had to file bankruptcy.  I have never been late for a payment of any bill in my life, but my mental health caused me to miss a lot of work and also the trials of dealing with this mess caused me to go into credit card hell.  My only option was bankruptcy. 

We are on our third and final appeal.  If this one does not work, then my son will not be eligible for parole for 19 more years.  His daughter is seven years old now.  My life is a living hell from the judicial system.  Don't let them destroy you.  

May you have a blessed Christmas. 

Never think that we will cut you off or shuffle you away.  We still love and need you on here. He who has done no wrongs cast the first stone. I wish i could help you out of this mess and wonder who turned you in and why they would. Their are lots of people that swear that it helps with pain better than the pain meds the doctors give them when they have terminal cancer.  

Well you do know that if it was one of our dear actors or actress or congress people or athletes then it would be swept under the rug and a tap on the shoulder if even that. Hopefully they will just give you probation and let you go and then you gonna have to be careful and get someone to drive you to the country to get your depression med. lol  

I do believe that the only reason it isn't legal is because the government can't control who grows or how you get it.  They want their dime out of everything.  The government just put out a statement that MJ was the the highest cash crop grown in the US, go figure. Hey our last president tried it, then lied and said he didn't inhale and if truth was known maybe this one did too in his younger days. I have tired it in my younger days and it didn't do much for me but make me want to go to sleep. Maybe it was the kind I smoked  Columbian Gold pure stuff no trash. Don't know but had a kick.  

You take care and we still want you here. If God hadn't wanted us to use it then why did he put it here? God bless ya and stay strong grandma. Yeah I am a little upset that they would do that to a sick person but they do it every day. I guess that if they lock you up then they have to take care of you 24/7, meds, doctors, food, rehab all that stuff we all have to pay for now [I know it isn't funny but that was meant as a little lighter side].  RW  

PS  Did you say that you wasn't taking any other meds other than the one they wouldn't let you take or are you on the blood thinners and stuff also. And if you need to talk we are here or you can e-mail me directly. every one has done things that wasn't always on the up and up.

Thank you so much for your willingness to share the secret that has been in your closet.  I recently got into a situation that made it necesary for me to share the truth with my family about my fiance who was sentenced for sexual assault of a minor and is now serving a 20 yr sentence, hopefully with parole in 5. 

It took almost seven years to finally bring his case to trial and by then the lawyer didn't want to do anything but plead out.  When My fiance refused to be plead to something that he did not do, it went to trial and the lawyer simply rolled over and failed to produce the kind of defense he had promised some six years and $42,000 later.  My dear one had never been in trouble with the law and certainly had never been accused of any inappropriate sexual behavior in the past.

I have faced so much devastation to my personal life but have suffered in silence not wanting to reveal to my family the nature of his charges because of the stereotype that is attached to a sexual offender.  My three older sons took the news well and were mostly concerned for me and what I had been thru all on my own.  My oldest daughter did not take it well and now had validation for why she never liked him.

I dare say that your odds will be close to the same.  Those who know you enough to appreciate your work will probably be 75% on your side or at least NOT in judgement of you.  Three out of four ain't bad, or at least that is what I am telling myself.  At any rate, it feel good to finally be open and honest with what is going on in my life.  Those who have a need to judge me on this one thing and throw out all my years of love and service to so many are obviously too narrow minded for me to try and convince of anything outside of their limited view.  If it means parting ways with some it is worth the price of freedom from the need to appear perfect and without flaw.  WE are all flawed by the experience of being human.

Best Wishes to you.  I believe that there are NO accidents and that all of our experiences serve a valuable purpose.  You will come to understand the value and purpose of this new experience that you are blessed with now.  My prayers are with you in this process.

Love and Light,
51 yr old in Las Vegas who has also found the creative  and spiritual
benefits of occasional THC use over the last ten years of my life.

You might find this link interesting Kaylee. It describes the current confusing situation in the UK.


http://society. guardian. cohol/story/ 0,,1975232, 00.html

'Is it a crime to want to be well?'

<<For six years, Mark and Lezley Gibson supplied cannabis to sufferers of multiple sclerosis. The police knew what they were doing - but turned a blind eye. Now, however, the 'Canna-Biz Two' have been convicted of dealing. They talk to Patrick Barkham Tuesday December 19, 2006 The Guardian>>

This gave me chills and a feeling of outrage!  How can 'they " do this to someone who has helped so many and not harmed anyone. I have a fried in PA who grows and uses it for glaucoma. I think they gave up harassing her. I wish my son would try it. He is on so many prescription pain meds that have so many bad side effects that I worry about his liver and mind. You helped me find the LOLITS to help my grandson and keep me sane.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

Stay strong

Hello Bea,

If that would have happened in England Kay would have been given a police caution and waved away.

Cannabis was recently downgraded here and possession without intent to supply for the vast majority of cases is no longer an arrestable offence.

This illustrates more clearly than anything else just how far gone America has become in its priorities and moral practices. What a travesty.


God Bless you and keep you in this trying time.  From experience I can tell you that they will pressure you into taking a "deal".  I'm sure you know this.  In CA they would want to put you in drug court - an 18 month program at minimum that would include testing - so why bother.  Is it a misdemeanor in your state - like CA? And why the heck are they doing this if you have conformed to the law?  We are having the same problem here with the feds (DEA) versus our state law.

Do you have an attorney?  Seems like one would be dying to defend you and have the opportunity to make case law.

Anyway - I can't imagine anyone wanting to drop you because of this - not on this list!  You haven't done anything shameful.  At least you aren't taking handsful of pills like I do (diagnosed with Major Depression for most of my life - now re-diagnosed as bipolar I since using street drugs - Meth.  Of course, pot always just made me overly happy, but pretty much useless, so that probably wouldn't work for me!  LOL
We are rooting for you kaylee!
Lori >^..^<
It takes a community to rehabilitate . . .

KAYLEE:  I just wanted to say Thank you for everything and you are NOT a criminal in my eyes.

You have helped many in ways that people are just not used too in this life time.  At the same time help me see more about a natural herb that is more useful to medical science then man made chemicals of today.even though because of the job I used to do I was not allowed to use it. Maybe one day :) 

You open doors to people where others, close the door in there face. I send you protection and strength as you go through this and always remember that if God didn't think we couldn't handle it, well then he wouldn't be putting us through it.

May I pass along a little bit for you to use, if you like, which is in the book of Psalms. The only book in the bible that has never been rewritten but taken from the exact verses of old.   I am not a religious person but spiritual one and this can be used in any denomination/church

When in danger of imprisonment:
Read Psalms 26 verse 9, 10 and 11 write it down on paper and carry it with you, repeat it often during proceedings.

Deliverance from Persecution:
Read Psalms 119 verse 81 thu 88 Quick assistance will come to the one who prays this when being harassed.

Good luck in all that you do and know truthfully that you are protected and watch over.   The one word that I leave with you is BELIEVE and it will come true.  We must walk in peace with ourselves against the clamour of those who do not understand.

REV. C Smith (CEA)

So.... this is the letter that went out that I didn't get...... 

Are ya ready....? These people do not need to understand or should they even think to pass judgment or add criticism to you!!  AND any that do can kiss my ass!  That, I will be very happy to tell them myself!

Now if you get in there make sure to take notes and send out your address after all can't have you in there with no mail!



I've known you for a long time and know of your wonderful work over the years.  It saddens me greatly to hear about what happened.

People in America have been deliberately dumbed down in order to make us easier to control.  Laws that are ignorant are passed because these laws serve those who desire control.  It doesn't matter what the laws do to ordinary people or whether the laws are actually legal (a law is illegal if its contrary to higher laws like the Constitution).  Many, many illegal laws have been passed in this country and the masses sit
on their thumbs.

Nearly everyone I've ever talked to knows that the drug war is a sham.  The only ones who actually believe it should continue are people who still actually believe that Iraq had something to do with 911 and those people are rare.

The elite have a stronghold on America and until the masses rise up and refuse to believe the propaganda it will continue.  Knowledge is power and that's why the elite have targeted the masses through the media.  Lack of knowledge is also lack of power.  Powerlessness is the state desired for the masses.

The quote you sent:  "If we know the truth, we must tell it; if we don't, we must learn it!" is absolutely true.  The mainstream, media-generated opinion is the one people are willing to talk about. People are willing to propagate the propaganda because it feels 'safe' in some way.  Those of us who see through the propaganda feel 'unsafe' if we speak up.  That's the control in action!  We must speak up whether it feels safe or not.  Safety is an illusion propagated for the sake of control.

We are the masses; we are the origin of the gross national product. That is our value to the elite controllers in this country.  To them we are disposable, cogs in a wheel that can be replaced like a worn out part.  They call us "eaters." 

The problem is not with THEM, it is with US.  It is our own mental prison that allows them the control.  The labor movement has always had the right idea because its the producers of the gross national product who are important to the economic health of a country.  That economic health buys weapons and armies to control all other nations.  Without 'cogs' the machine stops running.  There again comes in the fear factor (if I stop working I'll simply die!).  That's a lie. People pay taxes to support a hegemonic nation of terror.  There again is the fear factor (if I stop paying taxes I'll go to prison!). That's another lie.

How do we change this?  Each of us needs to look beyond the lies, beyond the propaganda, beyond the media spin to the truth.  If we're not willing to do that we will continue to see freedom and justice being flushed.  We may see our own lives flushed in the process. 

We need to show that we are not the 'eaters' we are THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES.  Our government is not OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE.  That's a lie.

Its more comfortable to believe the lie in the short term.  Are we willing to trade short-term comfort for long-term pain?  This nation has been totally willing to do that for decades.  We are the controlled masses and we need to be disillusioned (removal of illusion).



I love you no matter what. Most likely they will give you probation. I really do doubt they will put you in jail. It does not matter if pot is right or wrong, it is illegal and if you want to take a chance it is your call. If I was caught id get 25 years as a habitual offender. I do not get near it. Who cares what people think . Join the crowd of offenders, or convicts. God loves you no matter what. 

Love You and Merry Christmas,
Wanda Valdes

Dear Kaylee,

I'm so sorry that you are having all this crap in your life.  Isn't it enough to go thru and survive heart surgery?  And all that your daughter is going thru too.  I do hope that she is doing well and you too.  Just hearing from you is a relief!   I don't judge fact I support you AND your decision for your medicine, marijuana.  I suffer from migraines and take a med prescribed by my doctor for it.  I cant' afford the meds that work better and do NOT cause nausea.  So as a result of the nausea, I turn to pot.  I actually cannot afford pot either, so I have a friend who gives me a little here and there.  I save it and use it sparingly.....but damn it, it works!

It's like a secret that no one knows.  If people did know, I would probably lose my job.  When the day comes....(and I do believe it's coming to this), and they (my job) feel they have the right to drug test everyone, then I will lose my job.   I have a feeling that there are going to be a whole lot of people who will.  If there's anything I can do to support you just let me know....I have no idea what that might me, but I'm putting it out there.  The price of freedom is huge but always worth it to me.  Take care and be strong!  love, Sandy/VT

PS  Does J4J have T-shirts or anything like that we could could buy??  I just got done checking out their website, which I didn't realize was up and running.  It's is fantastic!  I love all the pictures.  Good luck with your court case, Sandy from Lostangels  Today's prisoners are tomorrow's neighbors

Hello, Kay—

Between 1985-1996, I volunteered at the Whitman-Walker Clinic (here in the DC area).  I worked as a Buddy, Lecturer and a co-facilitator for people living with AIDS. Although I do not personally condone the abuse of any substance, I understand that marijuana has value for people who are living with HIV (and other diseases/conditions).  I thought that it was a tragedy that many clients that I worked with were forced to “illegally” go out on the street to obtain medication that our health system would not provide, in order to make their terminal illness bearable.  They were also living with a stigma that was branded on them by various religious groups and so-called people of high moral values (that is another story…)!

Take care,
"The opposite of war is not peace, it's creation"  -Jonathan Larson

Kaylee I am not sure where I stand on marijuana  I know in some cases It can be a blessing. Thank you for telling us your story.  My son & I have been having discussions about whether having a drs prescript would keep you from arrest on it ---HE swears it would. I was not so sure (we live in wis)  Now I  can tell him your story (he will not be happy about your situation) the only advice I can give is point out that it is for medicinal purposes- you have a drs script and have never gone further, that you are an upright citizen---- While the court system considers you a criminal I don't. Hang in there & plse update us as you can hugs 

D from

Dear Kay,
I thought I had a good christmas until I read this email. It sickens me that the police would actually arrest you for medicine, knowing you...that you are not a dealer or criminal in any form or fashion. May god watch over you and guide the judge to do the right thing and dismiss these charges against you. If there is anything I can do to help please contact me. I told Tiny of your troubles with your heart and he is very saddened, think this is his email. god bless you miss kay.
james dawson

Overheard at Lourdes:

*sigh* All these crutches and not a single artificial limb.
i gotta miracle right here in my own house....that wouldn't have happened without copius green medicine.
been over a year now, still on THIS side of the dirt. happy whatever to all.


Hi Kay!

Long time no type! I’ve wondered how you were doing.

So sorry to hear of your bust. Those slimy bastards!

My sister, you have nothing to apologize for, to anyone. It’s not you who is the problem, not by any means. It is the wicked, corrupt system of Fascism that has taken over what we used to know as “America.” You have liberated many minds and bodies during your long tenure as an activist for truth. You will free many more before you’re done.

It angers me to no end that those who claim to represent govt continue to do this to good people like you. Hopefully, we can turn this tide soon.

Many have suffered from depression, myself included. There’s no need to feel alone in that regard.

Know that many stand behind you and are praying for your safekeeping.

Neal Smith,

Flo you should post this to your web site under the Stop War on Drugs. Kaylee I also went through hell using control pain as doctors are afraid to prescribe pain meds due to the DEA, The DEA agents pose as patients and if the doctor prescribes them pain meds they raid their offices and confiscate their records . Several pain management doctors being sent to prison for life under the label of drug kingpins..I posted something's on a few of these doctors pleas for help on the page at Flo's site titles "Stop drug war" which I obtained from the American Pain Foundations website as they had posted a big warning to doctors. I myself ended up in prison due to denial of pain medications. I ended up drinking to control the pain and got 2 DWI's. I was on probation for 1 and got another on so they revoked my probation --for which I spent 2 years. I am on social security for chronic pain.  Linda

You’re the best and they need to get over it! Dang police must have had a “slow-crime day” to pursue someone for medicinal use of one of God’s best gifts to humanity. Stick to your guns and give ‘em what for… 

Robert Sloan
Prison Reform Activist

I truly hope you are not incarcerated. This is absolutely insane. I'm rooting for you. Let me know if there is anything I can do. :)


Since you have the valid order from your CA doctor, do you think that doctor would write a certified letter for counsel and judge to review?  This could be quite powerful because that doctor would know your history even though the hospital you were in burned down, etc. Of course, the court would have to appoint an attorney to represent you.  Sometimes they are good, and sometimes they are terribly inept.  I would not know what kind of "technical" advice to give since I never became a lawyer.  My gut intuition says (for starters) to plead not guilty to violating state law, under Section 961.32(2)(c) of Wisconsin law and under Section ____ of California law.  Even as a non-resident of Wisconsin, the state is bound by its own law, however, it is also bound to honor the statutes of other states.  If your residence is in Georgia, then it would be helpful to cite Geogia's statutes as well.  The fact that the doctor who issued the valid documents is now deceased, does not negate the documents just as a Will remains valid after the benefactor of that Will is deceased. S. S.

Hi Kaylee,

I will absolutely be praying for you that God will grant you everything you need to get through this tough time ahead.  I now have you on my heart, in my thoughts,and in my prayers.  I am a veteran in my own very different family law situation, but injustice continues.  God has given me the grace to keep coming through all 20 years of it, still alive. 

I don't know what state's laws are being used, but you can get a lot of good research from Findlaw which offers cases, codes, forms, guides to different areas of law, specific message boards, etc.

If you are in California, the easiest and best version of fill-in-able forms I have found are at:

If you need federal cases that are F.Supp that do not show up on the free FindLaw web site, another site used to give you a free 1-month trial period to use their web site to research the Federal Supplemental
section cases.

Another free legal research web site is

I wish I could put my arms around you in person while praying for God's protection and blessings over you, but I am there in spirit while I am praying for you right now and whenever you come to mind.

Blessings in Jesus' - Yeshua's - Yaweh's Love,
A Blessed Holy Season,
A Blessed Merry Christmas,
A Blessed Celebration of the Miracle of Lights,
Kathryn Ervin & Family

Kaylee, I hope you will keep Equal Protection in mind when defending yourself since you may not be able to raise the medical issue otherwise. Keep in mind the citizens who receive marijuana from the federal government for medical use.  The attached has some legal arguments that may help.  You may also want to consider incorporating religious freedom if it applies to you.  Best of luck. Bryan Krumm

Dear, dear Kaylee

I too do not judge you and I pray that what I posted the other night did not come across that way??? Medical Marijuana should be legalized and I even go as far to say that marijuana itself needs to be legalized, just as alcohol was long ago... (look at the taxes that could be collected and the reduction of non-violent crime!!!) Where I was coming from is my own experience of being an addict with my drugs of choice being alcohol and marijuana... All of this is what devastated my own life, as well as that of my angel girl and so many of our other angels out here...

This topic always leads to controversy on this particular group because of our angel's and addiction in general... Forgive me if I offended you, but having this "disease of the soul" as well as the physical allergy that was triggered by these substances (plus being genetically predisposed) this makes for a very complex disease that is much misunderstood... The options being "death, insanity or being institutionalized (as in prison)" ~ with only one option for recovery through abstinence... Before 12 Step programs "recovery" was something that was foreign and almost never attained...

It is just so odd how the medical community accepts the use of morphine for pain, yet it is a derivative from that same poppy plant that produces heroin??? Ignorance...

Merry Christmas and be well... E.

Yes, Wanda called me the night this took place, and I in turn called Kay's daughter- we of course are concerned. I understand where Kay is coming here-regardless of whether marijuana is still illegal- its about the right to have the medication that works for you. I do not consider MJ to be an illicit street drug. The public's opinion is changing -it is the government that holds back on legalizing MJ for medicinal use, the same government that has been accused of bringing heroin and cocaine into the US. One thing we as the constituents of the government we have in place a need to always remember- when we speak out and speak up, things can change...albeit slowly. Thank you Kay...for  being know I am here for you...
Carol Leonard 

Hi Kay,

THEY should be apologizing to YOU!  If you need a defense fund started, please let us know...everyone who loves you will help.  If it would be helpful, we will all send letters & emails, make phone calls, and write letters to the local editor there.  if you feel it would benefit your case, please advise of county, local newspaper, etc.  we won't just stand behind you, we will stand WITH you.

You have helped so many and it would be an honor to help you now when you need it.

Thanks for the exposure, mark...bless you.  kay, you let us know what you need.  you are in my prayers.

love you, lady...
Cher Ford-McCullough 

Hi KayLee,

I'm sure you don't remember me. I was that guy about 3-4 months ago who told you I had a sister in Altoona. I was caught growing 44 plants on my Farm at Bay City Wisconsin.(UMMM BLUEBERRY).. I was lucky, family in the Sheriffs dept. and friends in the court house. I got 90 days with work release and a
$3000 fine. Wisconsin laws are nuts concerning pot.

I live here in the Twin Cities now.

My experience with the law and pot here in minnesota- I have been pulled over no less than 5 times caught with doobies and guess what, NO TICKET, and they never take my weed. Although the police take a young persons weed and tag them. I was caught with 9 plants in a closet here in Minnesota cops ripped the plants up and threw them in my trash. Didn't even take my HPS & MH lights. No charges..

I am a well known civil rights activist here in the Metro area and an investigator for the Watchdog News. My blog The paper I do volunteer work for

I post stories for people at my blog. Send me a summary of your story to  and a link to your web site and I will post it for you. Many politicians read my blog since I expose a lot of corruption and have staged a number of protest concerning property rights in the Twin Cities.
I have over 100,000 regular readers! Over 356000 hits ina 3 month period. 

Your story is interesting and others would like to hear it.

I wish you the best of luck, and get the hell out of Wisconsin as soon as you can.

Bob Johnson

kaylee i hate to hear all of this, you don't deserve this kind of crap.... Hope you get well soon, keep me posted about the court. Are you back in atlanta now or still at your daughers, we never know what will happen to us do we? Take care and keep me posted...Come on back to florida, they will put you on probation here in a minute! jim and jeff are still on it til 2008...after doing 10 yrs of a 12 year sentence........... Nancy

Kaylee I put out the word on the norml legal committee mailing list, good luck. No one is ever prosecuted for possession here in DC. Maybe in Wisconsin its different. I am sure you will be fine and may even be able to turn the tables on them.

Paul Wolf

Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31





Kay Lee
My Cannabis Research
My Prison Work: Making The Walls Transparent

EMAIL  Kay Lee