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The Unicorn's Prayer
New Illustrated Children's Book Offers Important Lesson about Embracing One's Unique Traits

ODESSA, Texas - In a magical, colorful forest, a young unicorn struggles with her sadness. Although all the creatures admire her beauty, she believes that because she looks different, she is not accepted by others. David N. Edwards' new children's book, The Unicorn's Prayer (now available through AuthorHouse), follows this precious unicorn as she receives her only wish.

In this forest, the animals gather at the pond to drink. They comment among themselves about the unicorn's beauty, with her golden mane and shining horn. But the unicorn believes she is being laugh at, and that because of her unique appearance, she has no friends. She looks in disgust at her reflection in the water and hopes one day to be like the others.

When a face speaks to her from the pond's surface and asked her one final time if her wish is to be similar to her fellow animals, she enthusiastically says, "Yes!" A wise old owl tells her before she drifts to sleep that the creatures of the forest will miss her extraordinary beauty. After a night of dreaming and hoping, she awakes to find that her beautiful horn is gone. Although she is happy, her unique feature is lost forever.

A powerful story, The Unicorn's Prayer teaches children and adults alike about the importance of embracing who they are and loving the differences between themselves and others.

"Sometimes the thing that makes us so special and so unique is the one thing we are willing to give up so we can be accepted in this life," Edwards writes.

Vibrant illustrations by the author are captivating, and three original folk songs add a special angle to this classic tale.

Edwards graduated from high school in Odessa, Texas, and enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps. After serving in the Vietnam War, he was honorably discharged and moved on to earn a Bachelor of Science and art education certification at all levels from Howard Payne University. He taught art in El Paso, Texas for 12 years and later moved to Santa Monica, Calif., to pursue another passion: computer-generated art. Edwards was an instructor at two schools in Odessa before retiring. A husband and father of two, he is now active in his church and busy with writing, creating art and composing folk music.

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