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Kindred Ships (No Markings)

Kindred Vendetta

Reward: 100

    Surprisingly, the Vendetta is big and fairly slow for it's class.  It has good armor and shields, and strong weapons.  Only good pilots fly Kindred ships.  It is usually used to assassinate enemies of the Kindred, or provide light escort and patrols.  Expect a moderately difficult battle with the Vendetta.

Kindred Blade

Reward: 100

    Without a doubt, one of the most powerful pirate ships in space, the Blade is quite impressive.  It carries many missiles and several Mass Ion Cannons.  The armor, shields, speed, and acceleration are amazing.  It is a rare occasion to actually see a Blade.  Luckily there are not many of them around.  They are used for large pirate operations.  Expect an aggressive battle from the Blade.
