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Kiowan Ships (Red Markings)

A Kiowan Battle Group
A Kiowan Battle Group

Kiowan Pirate Base -- Kastagan Station
Kiowan Pirate Base -- Kastagan Station

Kiowan Vector

Reward: 50

    For a light fighter, the Vector is slow.  It has two Stream Lasers, which do minimal damage.  Vectors make up for this lack of speed and firepower by having many missiles and heavy shields.  The armor is average, and the Vector's maneuverability is good.  Vectors tend to be harder to destroy than Leighats.

Kiowan Leighat

Reward: 50

    The Leighat is all speed, and no firepower.  It has only average maneuverability and armor.  The Leighat is best deal with from the, which is the largest and weakest area on it.  Leighats are more of a nuisance than a threat.

Kiowan Krell

Reward: 50

    The Krell may have strong guns, but it is also slow and not very maneuverable.  It is easy to lock on to a Krell, but it's shields and armor protect it well.  A long, constant string of fire to the rear is usually most effective.

Kiowan Shuttle

Kiowan Shuttle
Reward: 100

    The Kiowan Shuttle is heavily armored, with minimal turret defense.  It carries pirate leaders and supplies.  Shuttles are not difficult to destroy.

Kiowan Cruiser

Kiowan Cruiser
Reward: 500

    On of the stronger cruisers, the Kiowan Cruiser is designed to be most deadly in the front.  The rear is only lightly defended, but the Kiowan Cruiser is difficult to approach.  It is faster than the other cruisers, making it all the more difficult to destroy.
