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Cost: 10000
Speed: 288
Acceleration: 36
Turning Rate: 45
Agility: 3
Armor: Light
Shields: Light
Guns: 2
Missiles: 2
Modules: 2

    The Straith is about one step up from a shuttle.  Underarmed, underpowered and flimsy, but ridiculously cheap.


Cost: 17000
Speed: 320
Acceleration: 48
Turning Rate: 50
Agility: 4
Armor: Light
Shields: Medium
Guns: 2
Missiles: 4
Modules: 4

       The Shaman represents a significant leap forward over the Straith, but then anything would.  Still, it's a bargain ship that's a real bargain.


Cost: 20000
Speed: 320
Acceleration: 54
Turning Rate: 50
Agility: 3
Armor: Medium
Shields: Light
Guns: 2
Missiles: 3
Modules: 3

    The Velacia accelerates slightly faster and is better armored than Shaman, but inferior in virtually every other way.


Cost: 34000
Speed: 320
Acceleration: 60
Turning Rate: 65
Agility: 3
Armor: Light
Shields: Medium
Guns: 2
Missiles: 4
Modules: 4

    Still under 50,000, but its shield and armor strengths, hardpoints and speed match that of the lower priced Shaman.


Cost: 45000
Speed: 279
Acceleration: 57
Turning Rate: 75
Agility: 4
Armor: Medium
Shields: Medium
Guns: 3
Missiles: 4
Modules: 4

    The Jendevi is slower than the Aurora, but can mount an extra gun.  Pilots say it controls well.


Cost: 60000
Speed: 379
Acceleration: 60
Turning Rate: 80
Agility: 5
Armor: Light
Shields: Medium
Guns: 2
Missiles: 6
Modules: 4

    A dependable mid-price fighter, the Duress is fast and very maneuverable, with an impressive missile loadout.


Cost: 70000
Speed: 359
Acceleration: 60
Turning Rate: 65
Agility: 4
Armor: Medium
Shields: Light
Guns: 4
Missiles: 5
Modules: 5

    The Karnenan is almost all offense.  Speed and armor are unexceptional.

Skecis Mk II
Skecis Mk II

Cost: 80000
Speed: 359
Acceleration: 60
Turning Rate: 65
Agility: 4
Armor: Medium
Shields: Medium
Guns: 3
Missiles: 5
Modules: 4

    Someone told Sales that a high price point held down Skecis sales.  The Mk II  project become a cheaper stripped-down model.


Cost: 85000
Speed: 359
Acceleration: 54
Turning Rate: 70
Agility: 5
Armor: Medium
Shields: Light
Guns: 4
Missiles: 4
Modules: 5

    The original Skecis is well-armed and very responsive, but slower and more expensive than the Mk II.


Cost: 90000
Speed: 400
Acceleration: 72
Turning Rate: 80
Agility: 4
Armor: Light
Shields: Heavy
Guns: 4
Missiles: 5
Modules: 5

    Fast and well-armed, with excellent shields (although a bit underarmored) the Drakkar is a bargain at the price.


Cost: 100000
Speed: 428
Acceleration: 60
Turning Rate: 65
Agility: 4
Armor: Medium
Shields: Medium
Guns: 4
Missiles: 6
Modules: 5

    Unless you absolutely must have one more missile mount, stick to the Drakkar rather than the overpriced Heretic.


Cost: 105000
Speed: 411
Acceleration: 60
Turning Rate: 65
Agility: 4
Armor: Medium
Shields: Medium
Guns: 4
Missiles: 6
Modules: 5

    The Icarus and the Heretic are a close match.  This ship is just a bit more expensive.


Cost: 110000
Speed: 359
Acceleration: 60
Turning Rate: 75
Agility: 4
Armor: Medium
Shields: Medium
Guns: 4
Missiles: 4
Modules: 6

    Its armor is good and there's room for lots of extras, but the Kalrechi is not the most aggressive fighter out there.

Faldari Mk II
Faldari Mk II

Cost: 125000
Speed: 359
Acceleration: 66
Turning Rate: 90
Agility: 5
Armor: Medium
Shields: Medium
Guns: 4
Missiles: 6
Modules: 6

    The Faldari combines lots of offense with maneuverability.  Shields are adequate, but armor is a bit lacking.


Cost: 160000
Speed: 359
Acceleration: 60
Turning Rate: 80
Agility: 5
Armor: Medium
Shields: Medium
Guns: 5
Missiles: 6
Modules: 6

    The original Faldari is less maneuverable than the Mark II, but it's better balanced defensively.


Cost: 180000
Speed: 400
Acceleration: 66
Turning Rate: 75
Agility: 5
Armor: Medium
Shields: Heavy
Guns: 4
Missiles: 7
Modules: 7

    Fast and decently armored, the Freij is less agile than the Danrik, but a lot cheaper.

Freij Mk II
Freij Mk II

Cost: 200000
Speed: 440
Acceleration: 72
Turning Rate: 95
Agility: 5
Armor: Medium
Shields: Heavy
Guns: 5
Missiles: 7
Modules: 7

    Somebody took all the features of the original Freij and managed to somehow squeeze in just one more gun.  It compares favorably with the Danrik.


Cost: 250000
Speed: 440
Acceleration: 66
Turning Rate: 100
Agility: 5
Armor: Medium
Shields: Heavy
Guns: 5
Missiles: 7
Modules: 7

    The Danrik is a top-of-the-line offensive and defensive ship - a sweet ship, if you can afford it.
