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The Planets Of The Tri-System

Landing On Bex


    Largest of the primarily agricultural planets, Bex has become galactically famous for Bex beer, which is its chief manufactured export, and for the laid-back religion that reveres this beer - the Church of Hom. Bex's suitability for agriculture and its early settlement by Humanists from Anhur have kept it largely rural and a bit behind the times, despite its proximity to Hephaestus.


    This small planet has little to offer besides Iridium and Cerulean gemstone ores. Almost all of its small population mines or refines those ores, or provides support services to those who do.


    As desolate as its name suggests, Desolia is completely unable to support photosynthetic plant life and lacks valuable mineral resources. Intrinsically worthless, it has become a manufacturer's dream. Industries unwanted anywhere else in the Tri-System have relocated here, where they prosper unhindered by environmental or aesthetic restrictions.


    Blessed with abundant natural resources, Destinas is a leading producer of timber, related forest products and livestock. Early attempts at manufacturing proved disastrous, and a retaliatory conservationist wave struck the planet, effectively returning Destinas to the forestry and husbandry it knows best. Destinas makes up for the higher profits it could make off of manufactured goods by enforcing strict poaching laws to ensure that the most valuable resources (such as wild game) can only be enjoyed on-planet.


    One of the oldest settlements in the Tri-System, the population of Hephaestus has long been too large to be comfortably supported by a planet of its size. Still, as a locus of wealth, power and technology, it continues to draw immigrants. One must be very wealthy in order to buy enough space to live comfortably on Hephaestus, and only a lucky few achieve this. Many thousands more dream of it, and suffer interminable living conditions with the hope that one day, they too might make it big.


    The mineral riches of Ostinia have brought increased piracy to areas around it. CIS outposts now patrol this planet's local space regularly in an effort to reduce attacks.


    Athos is one of the more prosperous smaller worlds. First prized solely for its mineral wealth, it has succeeded in diversifying its economy to include both manufacturing and indoor agriculture. Even though it is on the outer edge of Tri-System space, it maintains a stable, mid-size population.


    Hades is cold, dark and isolated. For centuries, the planet was used solely as a military base. However, as populations boomed on other planets, the "not in my backyard" sentiment relocated more and more prison colonies to this desolate outpost. With the prisoners came the CIS, and eventually, CIS business headquarters.


    This tiny planet is arguably the most powerful in the entire Tri-System. It serves as the seat of Tri-System government and is a second home to the wealthiest and most influential politicians, businessmen and vid-flix stars. Astronomical rent has kept Janus IV inaccessible to most, and thus it remains a holocard-perfect resort planet, breathtaking in its beauty.


    Karatikus was one of the first planets to be terraformed as a potential colony for Hephaestus. Lack of practical experience with the procedure produced unlooked-for results - the most tragic of these was a short-lived radioactive isotope that genetically mutated the first Karatikan colonists. Decades later, Karatikus was declared safe for mass colonization, and new arrivals quickly outnumbered the original mutant settlers. Now a persecuted minority, the first Karatikans have recently taken up arms (no pun intended) in protest of their unequal treatment. Sporadic guerrilla warfare between Karatikan rebels and the CIS continues to this day.


    Beautiful Leviatha is covered almost completely by fresh water. Its small population lives on what little land mass exists, or in specially designed, floating laboratories.


    Massanas thrives because of its location. When the first speculator founded the Lucky Strike Casino and Hotel, millions flocked there to escape the depressing chill of Hades and the oppressive perfection of Janus IV. Within a few years, Massanas was established as the playground of Isaac. As testament to the paradoxical existence of the Tri-System Black Market, it is perfectly legal to sell, distribute and partake of goods of any type, but smuggling them on- or off-planet is completely forbidden.

    Anhur is the oldest inhabited planet in the Tri-System. Its population remains deeply divided between the Original Humanists, who oppose all technological advances of the last millennia, and the Pro-Technologists, who embrace these same advances. Because of Anhur's Original Humanist influence, many ruins and artifacts of the Tri-System past remain in use there today.


    Crius became the medical center of the Tri-System quite by accident. Early settlers were first drawn by the beautiful Crian alpine landscape. However, these glacial mountains harbored unseen peril - hardy bacteria not found anywhere else in the Tri-System. In order to make the planet habitable, considerable time, effort and research were devoted to conquering these intractable germs. In the process, research labs, medical universities and hospital complexes came to dominate the planet.


    Citizens of Hermes answer to no creature. The planet is renowned for its bars and its seedy, run-down dives - home to the sort of lower high life popular with mercenaries, artists and entrepreneurs. Everyone you meet there has his, her or its eye on the shortcut, the quick buck and the easy living. Opportunities abound in this back room - trust no one, but give everyone your ear.


    Petra is little more than a large asteroid. However, the high-grade mineral deposits located just beneath its meager crust have attracted a population of just over one million, with most working in mining and support industries.


    Serca is the most recently colonized planetoid in the Tri-System. Not much is located on the planet now, but many believe its mineral resources will outlast those of other mining planets, making it the powerhouse of the near future.


    A decade-long agricultural shortage due to various climatic catastrophes on Bex led to Terrel being officially zoned as an agricultural planet. As a result, it has remained relatively undeveloped. Rodenta Kaldone, popularly marketed as "Fluffy Rodents," are native to this planet.
