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With Abra Women

On March 8, 1964 this picture was taken of me with some of the women in Bolenay, Abra. We stayed in Bolenay for several days. The women enjoyed dressing me in their native clothing and beads. Around my hair they placed a band of silver beads and stones like they all wore. Around my neck they put a chocker made of python bones and several necklaces made from colored stones that had been dug out of the mountains, polished, and strung together into a beautiful necklace. During the day, the tribal leaders and elders talked, working out the details of the treaty. In between all the talks, my father and the students would sing, testify, and preach to those that gathered around and many gave their hearts to the Lord. In the evening, after dinner, we got to watch as the different mountain tribes danced their folk dances dressed in their native apparel; which were so different from the lowlands or other provinces. Many men wore their traditional G-strings and the women had wrap-around skirts; the weave pattern and colors designating what tribe they belonged to. They reminded me of the Scottish kilts and how they too designated which clan the men were from. It was all very exciting and interesting; especially when the ladies pulled me into some of the group dancing. The picture below is of me and one of the Miracle students.