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The Cacayorin children in 1980.

Cacayorin Family Update

Ernelyn, married and mother of two (daughter and son). She has been working in Hong Kong as OCW, while ministering with a Spirit-filled church in leading worship, intercessory prayer and Bible Study with other OCW's. Erlito, married and father of one (a daughter), also has many spiritual children through his ministry. He pastors a church with his wife in Candon, Ilocos Sur. He was formerly an Academic Dean at Harvesters Bible Academy. He serves as a government official in his town. In July 2006, he was invited to America to minister in Hawaii, Oregon, Montana and Idaho for about six months. Emma, married to a missionary that grew up in Atlanta, Georgia; is the mother of two girls (and one on the way, hopefully a boy). She worked as a Social Worker with JOY Children's Home while working with Frontline Evangelism International in Baguio City, Philippines, 1990-1995. She currently resides with her family in Oregon since 1996 and petitioned Erlinda (their mother) to immigrate to America where she has resided since 2003. Emma and her husband are both active in the ministry. Ernesto Jr., married, father of three sons. He served as a family driver to Christian celebrities in Manila. He lives with his family in Agoo, La Union. Rodel, married, father of two (son and daughter). He serves as associate pastor in his brother Erlito's church. In March 2008, he will finish his degree as Radiology Technician at Lorma College, La Union. Donald, newly married, living with his wife in Honolulu, Hawaii since 2003. He works as a physical therapist while helping the music ministry and Bible Study in their home church. Naneth, married, mother of three princesses. They just recently immigrated to America. She works as a nurse in NY and her husband ministers in music and Bible Study in Georgia and New Jersey. Steve, married, father of four. He graduated as Mass Communication in Saint Louis University, BC and he's finishing up his second degree in Nursing at Lorma College.