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Miracle Mountain: Road Carved

This picture is made from two over-lapping pictures to show what the newly carved mountain looked like. The bulldozer cut a road leading to the top of the property. The road at the bottom of the picture basically begins or continuous where the previous picture left off which was past the first nipa dorms and houses (stadium area). The truck at the bottom is unloading stones along the road for the cavites (stone terraces) YET to be built. The numbers designate what the areas are or later became.(1) Valley Area, (2) Gomez' House, (3) Rev. Shields Grave Area, (4) Piggery Area, (5) Prayer Tower/Water Tank, and (6) Dorm Area. Not shown is the fish pond. (7) Stadium area further down and to the left. The two men near the van, on the right side, are my father and a Rev. Atkins who were surveying the land. Below are the two pictures by themselves.