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Miracle Van

When their station Wagon had broke down, the tow truck driver took them to his pastor, who in turned called the church members., It turned out that the small Charismatic Catholic Church, with a small congregation of only a few hundred people, if even that many, had huge hearts full of love and faith and they took up a collection to buy the Philippine Choir of Miracles a new vehicle. The salesman was so touched by their story and what the church was doing that he threw in his entire commission into the payment so that the taxes and the vehicle were totally paid for. If memory serves me correctly, the church also paid for the registration and insurance. The white missionary and his Filipino group was brought to the church as stranded paupers, but they left like royalty with many new clothes to wear, full stomachs, an offering, and riding in a brand new, air-conditioned, 15 passenger yellow van. This picture I copied from my father's newsletter.