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Start of the Church

When not in classes, the OM students were at Miracle Mountain doing what had to be done to make it ready for everyone to move there. Building a church was the first major priority as well. Right before Miracle Mountain began, was a small piece of land and the perfect spot for the church. Although they would never sell the land to my father or the Mission, the owners did allow my father to lease the land and to build a church on it. It was one of the first projects completed and it was ready when everyone moved to the mountain. In this picture it looks like the students are shoveling something, maybe cement for the flooring.

Through the years, the land was also made beautiful like the rest of the campus and the church was rebuilt with cement or hollow blocks and later extended several times to accomodate more people. Years after my father's death, the land was no longer made available so a new church was built on Miracle property or in the valley, near the start of the campus.