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Rev. Clyde Shields Grave

Picture of my father's grave taken a number of years later. My father chose where he wanted to be buried and it was at the very top of Miracle Mountain, overlooking all of it. My brother Loren was the one who designed his grave and had the students make it large. Some months after his burial, a longer grave stone was brought all the way from Romblon, in the Visayas, by one of the students named Carlos. He told me that it was so heavy that he often cried bringing it back. After I had the rough cement grave covered with white marbled cement, his marble headstone replaced the first two stones. It had all the same information carved and painted on it. It looked very beautiful but by the time this picture was taken the paint on the headstone was already faded.

In back of his grave was a three leaf clover shaped rock terrace, which I had the students build in remembrance of my father's Irish heritage and also symbolizing the trinity. Three umbrella trees were also planted to give shade and other plants as well to beautify the area. The cavite stonework going around the grave was supposed to be planted with flowering shrubs but I returned to the United States before it could be done and no one else thought it necessary. To this day, they remain bare.