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Grave Area

Two views of the grave area about two years later. The plants by this time had grown and made the area look quite nice and Vietnam rose had been planted in the small terrace going around his grave.. The bougainvilla however remained small as they were used as mother plants, meaning cuttings were constantly taken and then rooted to plant elsewhere on the campus.

When I went back to the Philippines in 1986, I did not work with Miracle but was welcome to visit anytime I wanted. The last time I visited my father’s grave was in Dec. 1993. My mother passed away and I was going back to the United States, along with my Filipino husband and son. I was shocked to see that someone had deliberately smashed the marble headstone for it was in at least 1,000 pieces, most of them tiny. It looked like someone had taken a crowbar to the marble and just kept pounding it. It has since been replaced by one small marble stone and has a different message. They have also put an iron fence around the grave.