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View Down Miracle Road

The woven bamboo bathing facility near the top of the road (left side) dates this picture as being taken in 1963-1964. Below the bathing facility the hillside is stone terraced, showing that the road cavites or stone terraces were finally finished all the way to the top of the road or campus. From the bottom left corner, it is known that the nipa and bamboo kitchen is still in use. On the right side of this picture, hidden by the leaves, is the path to the Gomez' house. Last is that the road cavites, off the side of the stadium (near middle of picture), have also been completed. The picture below is a close-up of the church area and it shows these cavites off the side of the stadium a lot clearer (scroll all the way down).

It seems that the stadium has been completed and the stadium side of the road has now also been cavited. The church also has been painted and landscaped. The cement open Bibles have also been attached to the boundary walls.