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Rev. Mabel Matthews in 1975

Mother Mabel, as everyone came to call her, was a part of my father's ministry from the very beginning. She and her husband got to know him while he was still in Glad Tidings Bible Institute (1939-1941). They remained friends and when he went to the Philippines, they supported his ministry with their offerings. Unfortunately, Mabel's husband died young and she was left a widow with a young son. About 1975, my father invited her to join everyone at Miracle, promising her she would always be cared for. She took him at his word and just showed up one day and became part of the faculty. She was there when he died. In spite of her own hardships through the years, she continued to support my father's ministry until the day he died. She was a true and faithful friend. Shortly after his death, she left Miracle and joined the staff at Philippine Bethel Bible Institute in Basig, Mankayan, Benguet.