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Mama Lisa

Elisa Diehl was a nurse who came to Miracle in 1978 with Papa and Mama Doorn. She became part of the Miracle faculty and staff and everyone called her “Mama Lisa”. Staying on and off for four years, she became the nurse of Philippine Miracle Missions and taught Health and Personal Hygiene at the Bible school. She was also part of the community medical outreach missions. She not only administered medications, vitamins, and gave checkups, but also assisted with the children’s Bible Studies and Devotions. The children thought of her as very caring and loving, and she made sure they took their vitamins every day. She cared about their health, be it a child, student, or faculty. She was there for all of them. Here she is with Soriano Balawen, an orphaned teen whom she informally adopted or supported. She continued to support him financially even after she returned to the United States and today, his children think of her as Grandma Lisa.