Miracle Mountain

The late Rev. Clyde V. Shields, known to all as "Pastor Shields", was the Missionary/Founder/Director of Miracle Missions, Inc. from 1958 until he went home to glory on May 13, 1983. Technically, Pastor Shields started the Bible College when he was with the Assembly of God Christian Center after he returned to the Philippines in 1956 and just continued it when he went independent and started his own new ministry in March of 1958; which he named Philippine Miracle Missions, Inc. It included Miracle Bible College and Miracle Church (and years later, the Miracle Children's Home) but everyone simply called it MIRACLE.

In March 1958 he acquired 500 hectares of mountain dirt, which was part of a small mountain chain, so it was named “Miracle Mountain”. However, it had to be cleaned and then dwelling facilities needed to be built before anyone could dwell there. Until then everyone stayed at a place now referred to as "Old Miracle". When Miracle Bible College opened its doors in 1958 there were already Freshmen, Juniors, and four Senior students. Two years later the students and faculty, or church and Bible school, moved to Miracle Mountain. It’s been the home of Philippine Miracle Missions ever since.

Miracle has been under the directorship of others since Rev. Shields died, but the Missions, Inc. (Church and Bible College) still exists; although not in the same grandeur that it once had. I'm not making out that he was perfect and had no sin, far from it. But he did have a ministry and many, many people were saved through it and will be in the Kingdom of God because of it. That cannot be taken away from him nor should anyone try to wipe out his memory AS IF he never existed, like some have tried to do. They and Miracle's existence are proof of his ministry, as are all the hundreds of graduates out there pastoring other churches and having ministries of their own because of their having been a part of Miracle.

The slides and pictures that I'm working with, to create this website, are what my brother Loren brought back with him when he returned to the United States. The majority were left behind and no longer exists so much was lost. Also, during the years that my father was abroad with various tour groups, to raise support for Miracle Missions, no one took pictures for the school archives; people just took their own personal pictures. Unfortunately, there were very few pictures of the faculty, the graduations, and student body through the years but I posted what there was.

The website pictures begin with the start of Miracle Bible College at Old Miracle and then at Miracle Mountain. They show some of the student activities and how the campus developed through the years; its gradual progression. Since very few of the slides were dated, there is no way of telling when or what year the pictures were actually taken. Hopefully, they are arranged in about the right order going by my own albums, our memories, and input from others. Keep in mind that these pictures had a lot of damage and a dirt film or discoloration on them, from the humidity in the Philippines, over the years.

Working with these pictures, I realized that the book and website wasn't just in memory of my father but for everyone who ever was or has been a part of Miracle since its beginning. Although the various dwelling structures would change over the years, as would the trees and plants, what the students and faculty did to the land would remain; even now or more than forty years later. Without their efforts, Miracle Mountain would never have become the beautiful place it was and still is today (although the structures now need to be rebuilt due to termites, hurricanes, and weather over the years). My father may have had the vision but all of their hard work and sacrifices made it become a reality. Therefore, Miracle is also their legacy and testimony of the grace of God and all for the glory of God!

(Click on the pictures for a larger view.)

Not all of these pictures have been cleaned up. Each one will be replaced as they are. There is more information below each picture so be sure to scroll down.

Start of Bible College at "Old Miracle" (1958 - 1960)

This was the birthplace of Miracle Bible College and everyone's place of residence, including ours, until Miracle Mountain was ready for habitation. For two years, this place everyone now refers to as “Old Miracle” was where the first graduates and students went to school and worked, while they were getting Miracle Mountain ready for habitation.

Early Years on Miracle Mountain (1960 - 1962)

The students and faculty moved into the dorms and houses they had built on Miracle Mountain in 1960. Everyone was very busy the first three years on the Mountain with many projects going on at the same time. Not only was a cement wall built to designate Miracle's boundary, after the students made the hollow blocks, the first faculty houses were torn down and rebuilt elsewhere on the campus. Then the rock terraced stadium was built in the area where the houses had been. Following the road that a bulldozer had carved out of the mountain, the students also built cavites (stone terraces) on both sides of the winding road. By 1962 they would be halfway up the mountain and the valley area would be cavited as well on the road side.

There were no pictures for the 1960 and 1961 graduations. Also, 1961 was the year my father took his first tour group to America. They were Ptr. Andres Gomez, Ptr. Constantino (Tante) Ramos, and Pastor David Sebastian (no picture of the group).

Nipa Structures Moved Up Higher on Campus to Pond Area (1962 - 1964)

Most likely the nipa structures were rebuilt during the summer or after the 1962 graduation. The campus lay-out was like this for the next two yearsmas everyone continued to build the landscape of Miracle Mountain. The cavites along the campus road would be completed, more of the stadium cavites would be done, boundary wall continued, and a prayer tower was built above the water tank behind the nipa structures. The students were also busy planting trees and various flowering plants and vegetables on the mountain; on the cavites and around the nipa structures.

In 1964 the students started working on the highway side of the mountain, cutting out another road to Miracle and also building stone terraces along the highway. It took many months to finish this project. Also, in March of 1964, a group of students went with my father and I to Bolenay, Abra; one of the mountain provinces. My father had been asked to come and be a witness to the signing of the "Peace Treaty" between the mountain head-hunting tribes. People from all the various tribes, some walking for many days, came for the occasion and it was a very memorable time for us all. To commemorate everything that was going on during these years, the graduates were named "The Planters" (1962-1963) and "Go and Tell" (1963-1964).

Structures Changed to Wood and Cement Dormatories (1964- 1966)

These years brought more work and changes on the campus. The nipa structures were torn down and a wood dormitory was built for the students. That was the 2nd story or top floor and below it was added the cement dining hall/classroom, kitchen, and faculty rooms. Some months later, cement bathrooms were added and more cavites (stone terraces) were built around and behind the dorm which led to the prayer tower. The campus road cavites would be finished and the fish pond was also cavited to help keep the soil from eroding. These were just a few of the projects that went on during these next two years.

Campus Activities and Changes, 1966 to April 1980

There weren't that many slides for the rest of the years, probably because my father was away with various tour groups to raise financial support for Miracle. Since there were no dates or descriptions on the slides, I don't really know how to posts these or in what order. The campus itself didn't change that much but the dormitory was extended and eventually double with a chapel added on in the front. When it was widened or doubled, a water tank was built on top. Then a small apartment for my father was built on top of that. The church also was remodeled, widened, and lengthened several times through the years. The terraces around it were cut back to make room for the larger building.

Also during the 60's and 70's when my father was away with the tour groups, other missionaries came and took the position as acting administrator but I don't know who they were.

Miracle in the 1980’s and On

These are campus scenes and events that happened in 1980 to 1983. Some were taken by my brother when he went to the Philippines to bring dad back to the United States after his heart attack in July 1980. After being released from the Long Beach Veterans Hospital, my father returned to the Philippines and stayed one year and then again returned to the United States for more heart related check-ups. He remained in the Philippines after going back in October 1982.

Miracle Children’s Home

Having a heart and love for children, my father started the Miracle Children's Home in 1978 after two women came to Miracle, desiring to attend the Bible College but they had children. The first was Adella with her five little sons, ranging from age ten to two, each two years apart. Then Conchita, came with her three-year-old daughter. The following month two brothers were brought to Miracle. They all had come to the right place, a place called MIRACLE. These eight children (and the two mothers) were the start of the Miracle Children’s Home After the first children had been brought to Miracle in July 1977, my father started accepting other children with difficult family situations. Some were children of single mothers who could not afford to raise them, others were abandoned, and some were orphans being raised by the grandparents or some other family member and so forth. Although not all the children were orphans, a few were. My father was too well aware that unless such children were helped, they would become family slaves or forced into child labor by uncaring family members and relatives, as well as others, and worse, many would be physically and even sexually abused. Often times, such children would be sold into prostitution, and many others in similar situations would run away and live on the streets, sleeping in alleys, eating from garbage and fending for themselves as best they could. Knowing that, Miracle accepted them because helping a few children was better than doing nothing at all and everyone felt better and were blessed by them being there. Right before the opening of the new school year, my father heard of a tragedy that happened in Luna, Apayao involving a family with eight children. Their father had been killed and there were threats made against the children and mother as well. Rev. Dorotheo Tamaken was instrumental in bringing them the Cacayorin's children to Miracle. After that, other children were brought to Miracle by single parents who couldn't afford to raise their children and some were orphans being raised by other family members who didn’t want that responsibility. Knowing that all such children needed help my father continued to take them in and so the Children's Home grew. Donations from abroad helped to make the Miracle Children’s Home a reality.

The pictures below are of some of the children at the Home and on campus

Tour Groups

In 1961 my father took his first tour group to the United States. They were Pastor Andres Gomez, Pastor Constantino (Tante) Ramos, and Pastor David Sebastian. They were all faculty of Miracle Bible College. There was no picture of the group. The second group went in 1965 and they were Romeo Austin (graduate of 1961) and his sister Julie, and also Rufina Rosendo (graduate of 1959). Again, there was no picture of the group. The members of the 1968 third group were Robert, Rufina, and Evelyn Rosendo, Pacita Rafael, and Stella Santoyo. They were all graduates of Miracle. Then Robert left and the ladies continued the tour for several months before returning to the Philippines. Another group went to America for another tour in September 1970 and stayed for about two years. They too were all graduates of Miracle. This time they were Rufina Rosendo, Pacita Rafael, Susana Chan, Williams Sales, and Dominador Panem, who later left the group. There were more pictures of the last group, the largest, and they toured for four years; first in the United States and then in Europe and the Middle East. Truthfully, although there were many slides, I only kept a few and those that had my father in them. Since he usually took the pictures, there weren’t that many that showed him as part of the group.

Some Graduations


1958-59 Pioneers (4 ladies), 1959-60 Miracle Workers (19), 1960-61 The Soul-Winners (11), 1961-62 Mountain Removers (8 men, 5 ladies), 1962-63 Planters (5 men, 5 ladies), 1963-64 Go and Tell (5 ladies, 3 men), 1964-65 Watchmens (5 men, 5 ladies), 1965-66 Miracle Reapers (1 man, 2 ladies), 1966-67 Miracle Conquerors, 1967-68 Chosen Vessels, 1968-69 ?, 1969-70 ?, 1970-71 Seekers of the Lost (7 graduates), 1971-72 ?, 1972-73 The Miracle Harvesters (6 ladies, 1 man), 1973-74 The Apostles, 1974-75 The Overcomers, (3 men, 3 ladies), 1975-76 The Endurers, 1976-77 Victors (2 men, 20 ladies), 1977-78 In His Name (15 graduates), 1978-79 The Acceptable Sacrifices (5 men, 5 ladies), 1979-80 The Praisers (21 men and women), 1980-81 The Second-Milers (7 men, 10 ladies), 1981-82 Faithful Stewards, 1982-83 The Silver Trumpets (32 graduates), 1983-84 The King's Cupbearers (12 men, 17 ladies)

Some pictures of the graduating classes, student body, and faculty through the years. Unfortunately, many years are not represented. Most of the graduation ceremonies were held in the Stone Terraced Stadium near the start of the Miracle Mountain boundary, with the audience sitting on the opposite side in the small hollow blocks ampha theater. Most of the graduation pictures show the faculty and staff, all the juniors and freshmen, and the graduates. Some of the pictures also include visiting missionaries and the children from the Miracle Home for Children. Included are pictures taken of my father's last graduation or of 1982-1983, "The Silver Trumpets". It was the largest graduating class ever and the last one my father witnessed. Since I don't really have much information on these graduating classes, I will not comment on most of them.


1984-85 The King's Jewels, 1985-86 God's Victorious Army, 1986-87 The Approved Workmen, 1987-88 The Fruitful Boughs, 1988-89 The Wise Masterbuilders, 1989-90 The Disciples, 1990-91 The Endtime Messengers, 1991-92 The Lively Stones, 1992-93 The Sons and Daughters of Pentecost (Regular Seniors), The Youth Aglow Class (Special Seniors), 1993-94 The Joshua Generation, 1994-95 The Living Epistles, 1995-96 The Heirs of God, 1996-97 The Distinctive Messengers, 1997-98 The Jesus-Generation, 1998-99 The Miracle Eagles, 1999-2000 The Millennial Messengers, 2000-01 God's Masterpiece, 2001-02 The Miracle Warriors, 2002-03 The Royal Ambassadors, 2003-04 ?, 2004-05 ?, 2005-06 The Light Bearers, 2006-07 ?

Funeral, May, 1983

These pictures were taken the day of Rev. Clyde V. Shields funeral. They show how the people marched with his casket, following the funeral service in the church. They went from the church, all around the campus, up to the grave area where they had another short service before he was buried.

(Click on the links below for more information and pictures.)

Miracle Home Page



Personal and Family History

Various Testimonies

My Stroke


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