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"Old" Miracle

This is where everyone lived while Miracle Mountain was being cleaned and dwelling facilities were built for the students and faculty. Till such was ready, everyone stayed here. It was referred to as “the Subido compound” because of all the nipa (grass roofed) huts that were built in the backyard. I don’t know if they were already there or if my father got permission from the Subido’s to have them built or just had new structures added, like bathrooms, kitchen, and a dining hall, to what was already built in the huge back yard. There was also a huge well in the backyard and a lot of fruit trees.

Our family and the Gomez family lived upstairs. The students and other faculty lived in the nipa (grass roofed) and bamboo huts in the backyard. The church and main classroom was below us, on the first floor. The only plumbing we had inside the house were the pipes and faucets that led to the bathroom and kitchen. We had to keep large buckets or 5 gallon cans filled with water for our needs and we dipped water from them when bathing. The students had their own woven bamboo walled bathing facility in the backyard that was close to the well. I believe they had an outhouse but we had a regular toilet inside the house, which we had to flush with a bucket of water. There was electricity but we used kerosene lamps and lanterns too for there were a lot of brown outs. We 4 Shields’children are standing in the driveway.