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The Piggery

These turquoise doors were given to my father by the U.S. Camp Wallace Air Base near San Fernando for use at Miracle. They often gave my father things they were no longer using or needed. After getting these doors, my father had a piggery made at the top of Miracle Mountain, above the Prayer Tower, and used the doors as dividers between the stalls. The piggery was near the water tank, which made cleaning the stalls a lot easier, but far enough away from the buildings that there was no stench.

He loved raising the pigs and to save money, he would drive around town, with big baskets, and collect all the banana peelings from the vendors selling banana ques (caramelized bananas on skewers), vegetables and fruit that were rotting and being thrown away, and what not. All such things would be chopped up and cooked by the students and fed to the pigs. When I was there in 1982 shortly before he died, he had me woken up at midnight to go with him to the piggery because one of his pigs was delivering her piglets. He got the greatest thrill watching them being born but spoiled it all for me when he made the comment that it was too bad they were born just to die and be eaten.