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Service Over

After the funeral service was over, the many alumni, associates, and pastors took turns carrying my father's casket from the church and all over Miracle Mountain; like a last farewell. Pastor Constantine Ramos, front left, is helping to carry his coffin. He was saved under my father's ministry in Santa Maria in 1951, was sponsored by my father through Bible School, and then in 1958 when Miracle started, he joined my father's ministry as one of the faculty of Miracle Bible College. The man in the middle is Pastor Armenio Gomez, the brother of Pastor Andres Gomez who was the first principal and co-founder of Miracle. The man on the right front was Rev. Doroteo Tamaken. He was a good friend of my father's and was an associate board member of Miracle Missions. Several of his children graduated from Miracle Bible College. In 1991, he invited me to teach at his Crossroads Bible Institute which I did until I came to the U.S. in 1993 after my mom passed away. My brother and I were still on the stage after the service was over. He was taking pictures and I'm not sure what I was doing.