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Now for my goals and objectives...

To be quite honest, I am somewhat reluctant to reveal many of my true overall objectives here since the very few I plan to send here do not yet know my history and what I believe about my future (and why I have these strong beliefs!). But, mostly I hesitate because I have no control over who may eventually see these pages. Even though I personally will only invite a special few here in this short initial "launch" season, those few could give many others the links for many good reasons. But, because some of these overall objectives (along with the goals that support them) are quite "sacred" to me, it may be difficult for me to share them without "watering them down."

However, for the sake of reality-based accountability and to make credible "witnesses" of what could be an almost unbelievable testimony later, I will share the truth of some of my objectives and goals to the extent my conscience (or God) allows me.

Overall objectives of one related facet of my Life Mission include:

. . . . . . . { more to come! } . . . . . . .

PLEASE NOTE: I threw this page up in a matter of minutes. At my earliest opportunity, I will also organize information here with links to printable MicroSoft Word documents.

As of the very end of February 2006, the below pages represent my plans for much needed acquisitions and service activations along with a few of my production and financial goals:

Necessary Acquisitions and Service Activations - ASAP!

2006 Business/Ministry-Related Production Goals in Escape

A few related long-term goals