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One Use Away From Hitting Wall! How to Stop Once and For All!

Why use Metformin.

Metformin: uses Metformin is used with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes ( non-insulin-dependent diabetes ) . Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent heart disease, strokes, kidney disease, blindness, circulation problems, and decreased sexual ability. Metformin belongs to class of drugs known as biguanides. It works by helping to restore your body's proper response to the insulin we naturally produce, and by decreasing amount of sugar that your liver makes and that your stomach/intestines absorb.

Metformin: how to use Read Patient Information Leaflet if available from your pharmacist before you start using Metformin and each time we get a refill. If we have any questions, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Take Metformin by mouth, usually twice a day with meals or as directed by your doctor. Drink plenty of fluids while taking this medication unless otherwise directed by your doctor.

Carefully measure your dose with a special measuring device/spoon. Don't use a household spoon because we mayn't get correct dose.

The dosage is based on your medical condition and response to therapy. Your doctor may direct you to take a low dose at first, gradually increasing the dose to lower the chance of side effects such as upset stomach. Your doctor will adjust your dose based on your blood sugar levels to find the best dose for you. Follow your doctor's directions carefully. The usual maximum dose for an adult is 2550 milligrams each day.

If we are already taking another anti-diabetic drug ( e. g. , chlorpropamide ) , follow your doctor's directions carefully for stopping/continuing old drug and starting Metformin.

Use Metformin regularly in order to get the most benefit from it. Remember to use it at same times each day.

Inform your doctor if your condition persists or worsens ( e. g. , blood sugar levels are high ) . It may take up to 2 weeks before full benefit of Metformin takes effect.

Metformin: side effects See also Warning section.

Nausea, stomach upset, diarrhea, or a metallic taste in mouth may occur while use Metformin at first as your body adjusts to the medication. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. If stomach symptoms return later ( after you're on same dose for several days or weeks ) , tell your doctor immediately. Stomach symptoms that occur after first days of your treatment may be a sign of lactic acidosis.

Remember that your doctor has prescribed Metformin because he or she has judged that benefit to you is greater than risk of side effects. Many people using Metformin don't have serious side effects.

Metformin does not usually cause low blood sugar ( hypoglycemia ) . However, low blood sugar may occur while use Metformin, especially if we take other medications for diabetes, drink large amounts of alcohol, do unusually heavy exercise, or do not consume enough calories from food. Symptoms include cold sweat, blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness, shaking, fast heartbeat, headache, fainting, tingling of the hands/feet, and hunger. It's a good habit to carry glucose tablets or gel to treat low blood sugar. If we do not have these reliable forms of glucose, rapidly raise your blood sugar by eating a quick source of sugar such as table sugar, honey, or candy, or drink fruit juice or non-diet soda. Tell your doctor about the reaction immediately. To help prevent low blood sugar, eat meals on a regular schedule, and don't skip meals. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to find out what we should do if we miss a meal.

Symptoms of high blood sugar ( hyperglycemia ) include thirst, increased urination, confusion, drowsiness, flushing, rapid breathing, and fruity breath odor. If these symptoms occur, tell your doctor immediately. Your dosage may need to be increased.

A very serious allergic reaction to Metformin is rare. However, seek immediate medical attention if we notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including:

This isn't a complete list of possible side effects. If we notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

Metformin: precautions Before taking Metformin, tell your doctor or pharmacist if we are allergic to it; or if we have any other allergies.

Metformin shouldn't be used if you have certain medical conditions. Before using this medicine, consult your doctor or pharmacist if you have:

Before using Metformin, tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of:

Before having surgery or any X-ray/scanning procedure using injectable iodinated contrast material, tell your doctor that we are taking Metformin. We will need to temporarily stop Metformin before time of your surgery/procedure. Consult your doctor for further instructions.

We may experience blurred vision, dizziness, or drowsiness due to extremely low or high blood sugar levels. Use caution while driving, using machinery, or taking part in any other activity that requires clear vision and alertness.

Limit alcohol while using Metformin to lower your risk of lactic acidosis.

It may be harder to control your blood sugar when your body is stressed ( e. g. , due to fever, infection, injury, or surgery ) . Consult your doctor because this may require a change in your treatment plan, medications, or blood sugar testing.

Kidney function declines as we grow older. This medication is removed by the kidneys. Therefore, elderly people may be a greater risk for side effects such as lactic acidosis or low blood sugar while using Metformin.

During pregnancy, Metformin should be used only when clearly needed. Discuss risks and benefits with your doctor. Your doctor may substitute insulin for Metformin during your pregnancy. Follow your doctor's instructions carefully.

Metformin can cause changes in the menstrual cycle ( promote ovulation ) and increase risk of becoming pregnant. Consult your doctor or pharmacist about use of reliable birth control while using this medication.

It's not known whether Metformin passes into breast milk. Metformin could have undesirable effects on a nursing infant. Therefore, breast-feeding isn't recommended while using Metformin. Consult your doctor before breast-feeding.

Metformin: interactions Your doctor or pharmacist may already be aware of any possible drug interactions and may be monitoring we for them. Don't start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicine before checking with them first.

Before using Metformin, tell your doctor or pharmacist of all prescription and nonprescription/herbal products we may use, especially of:

Many drugs can affect your blood sugar levels, making it more difficult to control your blood sugar. Before we start, stop, or change any medication, talk with your doctor or pharmacist about how medication may affect your blood sugar. Check your blood sugar levels regularly as directed by your doctor. Tell your doctor about results and of any symptoms of high or low blood sugar. ( See also Side Effects section. ) Your doctor may need to adjust your anti-diabetic medication, exercise program, or diet.

Some medications ( e. g. , beta blockers such as propranolol ) may mask fast/pounding heartbeat we would usually feel when your blood sugar level falls too low ( hypoglycemia ) . Other symptoms of low blood sugar such as dizziness, hunger, or sweating are unaffected by these drugs.

Check labels on nonprescription/herbal products carefully. Some products may contain sugar/alcohol and may affect blood sugars. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about using these products safely.

Cimetidine is a nonprescription drug that's commonly used to treat extra stomach acid. Because it may interact with Metformin, ask your pharmacist about other products to treat stomach acid.

This document does not contain all possible interactions. Therefore, before using Metformin, tell your doctor or pharmacist of all products you use. Keep a list of all your medications with you, and share the list with your doctor and pharmacist.

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One Use Away From Hitting Wall! How to Stop Once and For All!

One Use Away From Hitting  Wall! How to Stop Once and For All!  Why use Metformin. Metformin with worldwide shipping Prepare for Hurricanes and Floods: Advice From FDA. This updated article gives tips on how to keep food, medical products, and pets safe during an emergency. Compare medicine prices from trusted pharmacies and buy cheapest

While not everyone who uses drugs becomes addicted, many people do. Drug addiction involves compulsively seeking to use a substance, regardless of potentially negative social, psychological and physical consequences.

The line between substance abuse and drug dependence is defined by role drugs play in your life. Addiction and drug dependence occurs when drugs become so important that we are willing to sacrifice your work, home and even family. Once your brain and body get used to substances we are taking, we begin to require increasingly larger and more frequent doses, in order to achieve same effect.

In other words, addiction becomes a trap! Why can some people use a drug and walk away from it, yet others become addicted to it? If we were to believe proponents of disease model that links addiction to a chronic incurable brain disease, then would not everyone that uses a drug even once become addicted to it? Without question drugs are brain altering substances, and they do in fact create changes in brain chemistry, but that's not what causes addiction or cravings associated with it.

Abusing substances whether illegal or prescribed is a method of deadening or numbing the pain of emotional trauma caused by family dysfunction. Take a brief inventory of your feelings. Why does abusing drugs make you happier? What emotional pain does it temporarily remove? Were we unloved as a child, controlled, inadequately parented, verbally, physically or sexually abused? Did your parents manipulate you, reject you, or abandon we as a child?

We see, the key to beating a drug addiction is to uncover and remove emotional pain and the inner turmoil that's causing we distress.

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One Use Away From Hitting Wall! How to Stop Once and For All! Why use Metformin. Metformin with worldwide shipping Prepare for Hurricanes and Floods: Advice From FDA. This updated article gives tips on how to keep food, medical products, and pets safe during an emergency. Compare medicine prices from trusted pharmacies and buy cheapest

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