I started this web site/these pages as a result of hearing online friends in some of the different craft groups I belong to ask what free daily pattern(s) were offered at the AA (Annie's Attic) website on certain day(s)/date(s) because, for whatever reason, they had missed seeing/getting the pattern(s). Originally, I had just a .txt file page that was posted at my other craft web site that's known as "Cinnaminn's Crafts," but I decided that I wanted to make the list/page better to include as much information as possible in regards to the free daily patterns to make it easier to find any/some of the patterns. As I'm sure you already know, with AA's free daily pattern, it's only available for ONE day and once that day passes, it's no longer available via AA. At the present time, AA does not keep an archive of the posted patterns.
Due to current U.S. copyright laws, no one is allowed to share their copy of such patterns with others. These pages are my attempt at helping those who missed getting the patterns by letting them know what was available and when along with the original sources as well as other useful information for the patterns.
Please do NOT e-mail me to ask if I have a copy of a certain pattern and/or for a copy of a specific pattern as I will ignore such requests. I have done my best to try to help anyone looking for any of the free daily AA patterns by providing as much information as possible here at this website. Please be sure to bookmark THIS page as my main page to my site as any pages after this one may be removed or renamed at any time without warning. (FYI - At the present time, my site does contain information about all of the free daily AA patterns from 2006 through 2007 up to the current/present month/date.) I do recommend searching online for OOP (out of print/no longer published) books/magazines/patterns at bookstores, web sites, and online auction sites. Here's a list of just a few places that I have used just to help you get started in your search. Please note that I've listed the sites in alphabetical order and not as a matter of my personal preference/use:
(NOTE: Jennie also has back issues of a variety of magazines available for sale.)
Web page site and design created by Cheryl (a.k.a. "Cinnaminn").
Background courtesy of Backgroundcity.com.
Originally created 11 July 2006.