Have you ever thought you could have really done something big if only you'd had more support and encouragement? Do you feel as if you must change something in your life but don't know how or where to start? Do you have secret dreams that you're never acted on because you were afraid of ridicule or failure? Do you feel overwhelmed or disorganized? Are you facing a major life challenge or transition?
Coaching Can Help You Find the Courage and Strength to Answer These Questions
Have time to do what you really want to do Get organized and eliminate clutter Improve or switch careers Learn study skills and obtain a degree Enrich your life with new people and activities Set priorities and focus on results Discover some secrets to being happier
How Coaching Helps My specialty utilizes the science of positive psychology to help you view your life from a fresh perspective. As you coach, I will be that special person in your life that is always cheering you on. Your goals will become clearer and more manageable. Coaching gives you the encouragement and tools to lead a more fulfilled life than you have ever dared to imagine. Each success will empower you to a new level: the effect is synergistic.
My entire life has been focused on helping other people to have better lives. I am committed to both social and individual change. My vision is to keep alive the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I believe that every person has a right to lead a happy and fulfilled life. I launched my mission to help others by becoming a social worker. I loved working with my clients, but began to rebel against the bureaucratic red tape.
After 11 years of experience as a social worker, I wanted to touch people in a deeper way. I returned to college in order to get a Ph.D in psychology. For the last 25 years, I have helped people to change through psychotherapy. Again, I loved working with my clients but began to feel restricted by all the mandates of managed care and the government. Coaching applealed to me because of its inherent freedom. The coach and client can go any where they want to on their journey to fulfillment. The only one calling the shots is the client. The clients design their own future and choose their own goal. I have been coached myself and have found it to be one of the most rewarding and liberating experiences of my life. Coaching makes a difference in your life that has a profound ripple effect. People sense that something big has happened in your life, even if they don't know you've been coached. Your own changes radiate into your environment and enrich the lives of many other people. The exponential effect of coaching keeps dreams alive.
"I have known Mary Richardson all of my life. During the 1980's, she and my mother worked together at the Kansas State Department at SRS. Mary has become a close family friend and valued confidante. My family and I have consulted with Mary regarding many personal and business concerns. Mary has always cheered me on in my academic and career development. She supported me as I developed my Wellness Center. She always guided my mother in her decision to start to brainstorm about ideas to enrich our professional, personal, spiritual and physical well-being. Mary truly enjoys encouraging other people to reach their potential. Mary, my mother and I have a lot of fun helping each other to lead healthier lives."
Angel Block Owner, Natural High Wellness Center www.naturalhighwellness.com 9341 W. 75th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66204 913-901-8699
"Mary and I have known each other since 1980. I supervised Mary during her postdoctoral residency. We have worked together as partners and co-therapists for 20 years. Mary's team spirit and leadership abilities have made her an asset to my agency. We depend on Mary for her management and organizational skills. Mary's optimistic approach has been an inspiration to clients, co-workers and employees. I can affirm that Mary adheres to the highest moral and ethical standards. She handles difficult situations with directness and tact. Mary is well known for her keen perceptions and sound judgment. If you want to be a winner, I would recommend adding Mary to your team. She will coach you to the finish line."
Steve Corey, Ph.D Founder, Counseling Psychologists & Associates Area Consultant for U.S. Department of Labor cpa_01@swbell.net 816-753-7073
"I've know Mary since she joined our church fifteen years ago. Since then, we have been active together in a number of committees and organizations. Mary is a member of the Ladies of St. Peter Claver, Agape Souls and the Altar Society. Mary served as the Assistant Junior Daughter Counselor when my daughter, Blair, was Supreme Junior Daughter. My late mother, Lady Georgia Reed Friday, was a mentor to Mary. Due to her work in the community, Mary has been given the Georgia Reed Friday Memorial Award for Community Service. She has also been the recipient of the Bishops Award for Volunteerism. Mary is known for being compassionate and trustworthy. She has served two terms as a trustee for the Ladies of St. Peter Claver. You can trust Mary. She has always been the person who has inspired and guided me."
Lady Beverly Friday Area District Deputy, Ladies of St. Peter Claver Director of Social Services St. Louis Catholic Church 5930 Swope Parkway Kansas City, Missouri 64130 816-822-9091
"Mary and I met during graduate school. We have been through all the ups and downs of completing school and starting a new career. We have worked together closely in order to help families and children to make a new start in life. Mary treats each client with equal importance, regardless of their situation. She remains dedicated in spite of challenges or setbacks. Mary and I worked together to form several alliances and coalitions to improve mental health in the Kansas City area. Mary has been involved in a number of activities at my counseling and consulting agency. During the last decade, Mary and I both became interested in exploring our spirituality on a deeper basis. We have had hours of fascinating discussions about how spiritual beliefs affect our happiness, well-being and functioning. I appreciate Mary's positive approach as she affirmed the development at my Wellness Center. Mary believes in achieving a life balance that combines spiritual, emotional and physical health."
Coaching is simple. The sessions take place over the telephone. You will be in a safe, confidential and non-judgmental environment. Coaching is risk free because it is "failure-proof". That is because, in coaching, everything we try out is viewed as a learning experience. No matter what happens, you will learn more and build more strength to go on to the next step.
Sessions take place weekly for 30 minutes; therefore, coaching will fit nicely into your schedule. Instead of being another burden, coaching will empower you to try new things. You will start to see yourself as a more effective, skillful, and creative person. Along with outer success, you will achieve a greater sense of personal satisfaction. This happens because coaching is tailored to fit each individual in a special manner. Although we will use scientifically reseached and tested principles and techniques, we work together to design your own unique, plan.
Ask for a complimentary coaching session today and start leading your new life. During this session you will discover more about how coaching can help expand your vision and resources. Call me today at 816-872-8239.
Mary K Richardson, Ph.D 8924 Evanston Avenue Kansas City, Missouri 64138 phone: 816-872-8239 fax: 816-356-4614 e-mail: doctormaryis@sbcglobal.net
"Success Starts With A Single Step"
a new self image breakthroughs to success more fun while getting things done balance with work and family life realizing and using your inner strenghs an effective attack on big projects confidence and social skills new tools for acheivement