HI Abhi ,
Angel of hope is an excellent story which was heart touching ......
but one thing this is my view it might be same for everyone or only some ppl like me...
B'cos its like iam feeling tht b'cos iam missing someone very badly so its like ur story was like its telling that you are missing some one so badly....
and that story equally matches to me..................
and once again it was goooooooooood..../
Message Received Time:Wed, 08 Mar 2006 04:02:11 (UTC )
Hi Abhi !
My comment is its really very good and nice . Plz keep on sending good sayings . I hope you are reading the messages which you are sending to us . I feel in real life atleast you should maintain some of them . so , please kindly help your friends untill you feel thats the peak stage of your try to keep them in a possition . Anyway u r doing , But i mean you should try upto how much u can . The same way first you should success in u r life after that friendship da .I pray all the success for you.
your everlasting friend
Message Received Time:Wed, 08 Mar 2006 05:34:27 (UTC )
Hai Abhi....
your poems really touching...
the "Angel of Hope".... i will be the first happy man
if that angel comes into ur life as not only as
God... pls send me an angel...
keep mailing and keep smiling...
Syed Rasul
Message Received Time:Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:01:47(UTC )
I DAM'N LOVE .....Y.......O.....U........R POEMS
Hey Abhi,
I m going to tell you the thruth about your mails.This is really from heart.
Your poems has a deep meaning, Those are dam'n good!I love your poems which has picture background. I always waitng for your mails to read it & forward to my girlfriend as *INLINE TEXT* .(Replacing your name
by my name"WITH LOVE
") Im sorry for that
, But you know.....
. Please keep it up !!!!!! I'll beg you.
Message Received Time:Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:58:11(UTC )
A poem written for my "Angel of Hope" (someone I thought when I am writing it and she too knows that eventhough she never accepts that). I am very glad that all my friends liked that.Wow! I am glad to know that my friends loving my mails. Thanks a lot friends to make me not feel unworthy.Glad to know that there are someone to encourage me.Thanks a lot my dearest friends - Abhilash