Attica, Indiana

I found this site on the web. It contains many interesting photos, drawings, and stories of how Mudlavia came to be, and also how it vanished. Check it out. And by the way, for all those  out there that believe this place is "haunted", the real evidence seems to be that these beliefs are largely subjective. We've spent the night out there after paintballing all day in the hotel, and I can honestly say that noone has yet reported anything mysterious, spooky, or creepy going on there. There is no "overwhelming sense of dread" emanating from any of the rooms, as some have reported it, no orbs floating around, or rattling of chains, etc. Just the remnants of a once great establishment which has now mostly gone back into the earth from which it was spawned. DD September 2008.

A painting of the Original grounds, in the days of its glory.

(picture from an old newspaper article)

More sites:

Rowan Studios (devoted to preserving the memory of Mudlavia)

Discovering Mudlavia:
Mud, Sweat and Tears in the Peaceful Valley (Version 1)

Discovering Mudlavia:
Mud, Sweat and Tears in the Peaceful Valley (Version 2)