Opening Day 2010 at

Salt Fork Paintball Field

Our first day at SFP was excellent. The weather was a little on the chilly side (started out below 30 and only made to the upper 40's) but once we started playing it was alright. 3 of our players, well, actually one player - Tanner Shiley, the friend he brought, and a new guy Daniel who approached us wanting to join the team,- played in the little Speedball tournament that was going on. They made it into the final round going up against, of all people, our brothers from Frankfurt (Jim and company a.k.a. Team Frag) but came in 2nd Place. Awesome! By  the end of the day, Daniel was a full-fledge member and we can't wait to shoot with him in the future. Nice going guys!






    Mini -Team CFA (3 of our players) shooting it out on the Speedball course.