Games We Play



Capture the Flag:     Capture the Flag, or CTF, is the most common game played in paintball.   Two teams, two flags.  One team captures the enemy's flag, then returns it to their own base.    (If the carrier of the flag is shot, then he/she drops the flag and is out.  Someone else must pick it up and return it to a base..)


Center Flag:     Center Flag is a popular version of CTF.  Two teams, one flag.  The flag is in a central location on the field.  One team must take control of the flag and make it to the opposition's base.    (Again, If the carrier of the flag is shot, then he/she drops the flag and is out.  Someone else must pick it up and return it to a base..)


Last Man Standing/Iron Man:     Just like it says.   Every player for them self.  Last one standing gets the Bragging Rights.    (You or your gear gets hit, you're out..)    One Shot, One Kill!!


Last Team Standing:     Again, pretty simple.  Last team with live players, wins..

     Variations of Last Man/Last Team Standing:

          Hunt the Rabbit:     One or two people hide/defend, while the others players "hunt" the rabbit..

          Attack n Defend:     One team defends a base/position, while the other team attempts to attack and take control..


Snowballing:     Snowballing is an "every player for them self" round where calling yourself out is your option.  Generally, you engage another player(s) in a heated exchange of paint and when a player has had enough (called "enough", or raises hands/gun), all players move on to another target..


Pillage n Plunder:     Game play is 30 to 45 minutes, depending on number of players.  All players start out with 5 poker chips, and in different locations on the field.   Rules are simple.  When you get shot, sit down where you are at.  The person who shot you, may now take one of your tokens.  Any one else that passes while you are dead, may also take one of your tokens.   Now for the fun part!!   Every five minutes, a horn will sound.  Any player sitting dead, "re-spawns" and continues playing.  Each time you are shot, you must sit down until the next horn sounds.  Again, the person who shot you, and anyone who passes may take one chip.  No one can run by and take your last token, it can only be taken by being shot.  When your last token has been taken, you are now out and must return to the designated safe area.  The player with the most poker chips at the end of the game, wins!!




General Rules!!!!!

All games last 15 minutes and up..

We use the honor system when calling hits..

Hopper/Gun/Gear hits count, unless stated otherwise..

Quarter size or larger paint spots, for hits to count..

Paint Splatter does not count, unless stated otherwise..

When you are out, return to the safe area or area specified..



Barrel plugs/condoms must be used at all times while in the safe area!!!!!

Goggles on during all games!!!!!

Test fire and Chrono your guns in designated area only!!!!!

Guns must chrono under 280 fps!!!!!

Do not shoot wildlife/animals!!!!!

Use good judgment when shooting near roads/boundaries!!!!!

No Bozos or Assholes will be tolerated!!!!!



Oh, and one last rule: NO SHOOTING PEOPLE IN THE FOOT AT POINT BLANK RANGE! ROFL. IT HURTS LIKE F*&^!++ HELL! Thank yous' to Yobtaf for showing me the true meaning of that statement.  Love ya Buddy!


Play Safe, Play Fun!!!!!