CFA Business Cards


If you'd like your own personalized business cards to represent CFA, fill out the form the below. No fields are mandatory, it's your choice what goes on or does not. I'll print you out the first 10 for free. After that I'm going to look to have them printed by someone like Office Max because they are color and black and white. If you'd rather print them out yourself, check the box below and put in your email.

Availability: If your name is posted on the Team Page at our website: you are authorized to distribute the team's business cards. They are not open for the general public. However, coming soon, look for a request for a Color, laminated, personalized "Friend of CFA" ID badge. Show up wearing it to any game we're at and you're welcome to play on our team.

Full Name on Card:                                                  

Team Name (personal) (i.e. "your nickname"):           

Do you want your email on the card?                        

What town are you from?                                         

Just send me the template.     Send template (just enter your email in the text box above and leave the rest empty)


(example only)

Screenshot of the finished card.