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Roads of the Mid-South & West > Highways of the State of Illinois > County Highways of the State of Illinois > County Highways of Sangamon County > Sangamon County Highway 40

Sangamon County Highway 40

Sangamon County Highway 40 is a long east-west highway in the soutnern portion of the county. This runs from the Morgan/Sangamon County Line to the Christian/Sangamon County Line.

SCH 40 passes through the following towns in Sangamon County.
New City

SCH 40 is not multi-plexed in Sangamon County.

SCH 40 crosses the following highways in Sangamon County.

Sangamon County Highway 10, near New Berlin.
Sangamon County Highway 45, at Loami.
Sangamon County Highway 18, near Lick.
Illinois State Route 4, at Chatham.
Sangamon County Highway 22, at Chatham.
Interstate 55, near Chatham. (NO INTERCHANGE)
Sangamon County Highway 28, at Beamington.
Sangamon County Highway 37, at New City.

EB SCH 40 east of SCH 22.

EB SCH 40 near Lake Springfield.

28 August 2008