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Dark Heresy Player Briefs

This page is for the Acolytes of the group I run so if you ain't playing in my game you might as well navigate elsewhere cause the following won't make much sense.

Post The House of Dust & Ash

A cacophony of gunfire, screams and explosions fills the air as the acolytes run for the exit. In the distance Yada's heightened hearing picks up a noble screaming “where's my bloody power sword?!?”, a cheeky grin covers her face as she thumbs a switch on the handle of her sword and a crackling power field surrounds her blade before dispatching another crazed mourner. The Tech Priest Nayki announcing at 30 second intervals, how long till the Void Shields re-engaged thus blocking their escape soon pushes the party on.

With the exit looming in sight, a shape resolved out of the darkness to form that of Master Nonesuch, one of the many people attending the auction. In the blink of an eye he strikes down with a huge sceptre pulsing with a sickly light at Lance Hatasho blasting the poor man into a cloud of ash and vapour. Just as quick as he appeared Nonesuch fades from sight.

“I ain't signed on for this!” bellows one of Lances bodyguards, to which the other shouts “RUN!!”. His comrade shouts “what is he?!” but never finds out as he disintegrates joining his master in dust & ash.

As the party run out they soon look back to see the Void Shields covering the exit once more. Captain Shadrack is a sight for sore eyes, his ship is prepped to go and he seems happy to see the party, “good timing people, I was just thinking about leaving this hell hole!”.

As the ship leaves you take stock of what's happened, you managed to drag Lanus Cisten out, but Lance Hatasho and his bodyguards where killed by whatever Nonesuch was. As the island detonated in a firestorm you can at least take solace in that the collection of heretics are surely all incinerated. Except, as the Cygan Martyr set off you'd swear you saw a low orbit ship through the smoke behind the island...

Later, Inquisitor Marr greets you and after you report the events of what happened on the island is quite impressed with your performance “truly the fates must smile on you all to get out a death trap such as you've described to me”.

He decides most of the weapons are free from taint so are fine for you to keep, though the Dark Eldar Splinter Pistol he keeps. The ruby amulet turns out to be actually an Eldar Soulstone something the Eldar believe will catch your soul when they die. The amulet is actually a Warp Amulet used in chaos rituals. He suspects when you describe the statue Sipirit won, was a statue of a Slaaneshi daemon and the book he won may have been a ritual book. The green cube he decides Nayki is best taking to her masters to identify.

The credit blocks and money are taken off you, and after a bit of fiddling about with some cognitors and a what looks like a Chancellery matriculation engine, Marr tosses you back Lady Rosa's credit block stating “not as if she needs it now, minus some expenses I laid out to get you in the auction of course”.

Before you leave he says “do stay available I may have another matter you could see to for me...”


Ongoing GM NOTES:

You might notice some interesting bits on your character sheets once they're up ;)

I'm now allowing the Forbidden Lore (Cults) to be taken as an Elite Advance at 200xp if desired. Also since you've all been subjected to Dark Eldar and a fair few Eldar weapons now i'm also allowing Forbidden Lore (Xenos) to be taken as an Elite advance at 150xp