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Maggots in the Meat

Main Objectives: Discover the reason behind the murders in Acreage


I actually got a chance to play Dark Heresy as Sister Severine when the player who controlled Krak wanted a shot at GMing. Sooo presenting:


++Personal Log of Sister Severine++

I was asked by my Superiors to assist some agents of the most holy Inquisition in an investigation to which I was most elated. To work for the most secretive and holy Ordos in cleansing the galaxy of heretics, witches and foul Xenos is indeed an honour and I must admit when Sister Superior tried to warn of the “eclectic” agents Inquisitors can use I was quite dismissive, as an old schola progenium teacher I once had used to say “life is the best teacher”.

I met the agents on board a ship bound for Acreage. I’d been fully briefed beforehand of the feudal world’s current civil war and the strange murders, what I hadn’t been briefed on was the agents I’d work with.

There were four of them; the first I noticed was the red robed Redemptionist named Carrius. He wore a ceramic skull mask and was checking a shotgun when I boarded. Redemptionist’s are a strange breed, as devout and zealous as some of my own order or the priests who attend us but infamous for their excessive “purging” (and judging from Carrius’s Flamer and Chainsword at his side I’d imagined he’s done a fair amount of). They’re also not looked on with approval by the Ecclesiarchy. I suspect their zealous nature is why the Inquisition uses them occasionally, and would imagine they could be good allies if “tempered” and “guided” correctly. Sitting opposite him was a lanky looking female named Inez. She had brown hair and piercing green eyes with a dangerous look, she seemed to me like some sort of renegade and a holstered Bolt Pistol at her side only seemed to cement that idea. In actual fact she was quite likable despite needing some better clothes.
The third was a guardsman named Drake who’d been assigned temporally to the team and seemed quite excited about the mission.
Finally was a large dark skinned Guardsman who was piloting the ship, he seemed to have a rather large backpack near him with numerous weapons hanging out the sides. I didn’t want to disturb him much as he was concentrating piloting us to our destination.

Emperor's Island

Once we had arrived I stepped off onto the wobbly landing wharf and lost my footing, slightly embarrassed I was glad to note Inez falling as well. The Redemptionist however happily stepped off then seemed to scream sprinting away from the landing pad up some gantries. Inez commented about some strange looking worm and moment later a burst of las fire flew from the direction Carrius went into a corpse I hadn’t noticed. Sinophion Boreworms are bad for your health
I mentioned we “weren’t here to shoot the local wildlife” and headed of the landing pad saying “let’s find out how to get to the city of Olrankan” to which the others soon followed whilst Carrius kept mumbling something about “freaky corpse worms”.

We asked around and soon found a man named Tiplis who would be our guide for a mere 4 Thrones an hour; however Inez showed no shame in flirting with the man till he showed us about for 2 Thrones an hour.

He showed us to the docks where my fellow Acolytes soon found a good boat and bartered a good price. It wasn’t due to leave for a while so Tiplis showed us some places we could visit.

We visited what turned out to be a drinking and gambling den which I must admit was a shock to see having spent my life in the schola progneium then in the Sororitas dorms. Whilst I tried to convince the populace that they’re were wasting their lives my companions apparently got into a fight with some of the locals, as I would expect from agents of the Inquisition the fight was over before I was even aware it’d happened.
Afterwards we decided to go explore a bit before the boat left. I understand Inez spent the best part of the afternoon at some sort of drug store trying to identify liquids. Carrius however headed to the “grease pits” to test his skill. As for myself, I decided to check out a local store. I soon found it and purchased a fire bomb for crowd suppression and headed over to see how Carrius was fairing.

It turns out Carrius had duelled in an arena before over in Gunmetal city; this however he found was a fist fight. It had prize money up for winning and he’d decided to try win it for the boat fare I believe. There was several rounds of fighters and I was impressed to see him knock them all out without too much trouble.

We soon met back up with Inez who’d purchased a medi-pack (which I must admit was reassuring to see he cared for his skill) and before we headed to the docks Carrius bought himself a buccaneer’s hat. That hat however got him in trouble as a couple of men accused him of stealing it once we reached the docks, they reached for weapons and I started to do the same but they both swiftly got blown away by Carrius’s shotgun, he retorted “my hat!” before we headed to the boat, as I tried to process what had happened.

Deciding the poor wretches who challenged Carrius were probably criminals I said nothing on the matter and we soon set sail. However some of the men despatched by my colleagues from earlier in the day wanted their own form of justice. Out numbered 6 to our 3 they foolishly stepped into point blank range and our combined firepower took them down. I must admit I tired of people constantly trying to kill us on this strange primitive land and started to wonder if we’d been killing more than the individuals or creatures causing all these deaths that we were to investigate.


We eventually landed on the main land and soon found the locals most uncooperative. No one would talk to us and the constant sound of muskets and cannons blaring at the walls was quite disconcerting. Eventually we found someone who told us the murders had happened mostly at the city walls. A large patch of gore we found soon attestified to that fact and we set a plan in motion.

Inez acted as bait, she reckoned it was a beast from the tracks so we loaded her up with some meat chops and got her to walk up and down a section of the wall with me ahead of her and Carrius behind with Drake on a high tower nearby.

After a while I heard a strange whistling and large cannonball landed narrowly avoiding ending my career. After which I admit I was more concerned about the sky than Inez and nearly didn’t notice her getting dragged away by two men.

Our party soon took them down, perhaps a little too efficiently with Drake blowing one poor chaps leg off and Carrius hacked the other one apart with his chainsword.
Inez stabilised the legless man before I planted a boot on his chest drawing my Bolt Pistol and demanding to know everything he knew about these murders and why they wanted Inez.
The man was a half-wit and had been making a living with his partner by getting bodies from the war raiding them getting any trinkets and leaving the bodies at an old mill nearby on the hill.
Before we could decide on our course three strange creature attacked us, two different fanged quadrupeds and a bizarre bird like creature. Carrius gutted the bird in half while Drake took down one of the other creatures leaving me one to fight. It seems I got a particularly nasty creature and my first attacks were to no avail, Carrius thankfully finished his and distracted it long enough to end it’s sorry existence with the Sarissa attached to the end of my Autogun.

It was the dead of night but we decided to scout out the mill and plan from there. Unfortunately it was a wet night so we couldn’t just simply burn it down, so inside we went…
