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A Mission for the Mechanicus

Main Objectives: Locate the Heretech Vector and bring the Mechanicus's & Inquisitions justice to him.

Secondary Objectives: Find out what happened to the team of Skitarii troops.

+++Mission Log+++

Nayki, Zethena, Yada and Octus travel to the Josian Reach sub-sector on the Adeptus Mechanicus ship named Epsilon bound for the world of Canopus. Octus then pilots a Guncutter to Snowdens World, the location of the Skitarii's last transmission.

In the classic "Imperial Inquisition!" approach Octus  finds the orbital station they docked in's captain and demanded information on ship routes thus tipping off a Logician agent working on board.

At the space dock they spot a strange Technomat fiddling with some servitors who promptly attack the party, the classic combination of Yada running up and beating things senseless whilst Nayki and Octus give covering fire emerges. Zethena of course charging up her powers soon morphs into a Wolf like form and charges across the dock smashing servitors apart with her hammer hand.

They soon head to Kao-Li and find an abandoned looking complex. A bit of exploring and they soon find a generator that Nayki starts up. Octus heads down stairs to explore a bit more and soon gets attacked by some gun skulls! He swiftly blasts them out the air, happy they're definitely in the right place.

Once door they find is welded shut, one tube of melta-gel later it clangs open and they find a dead tech-priest with "omnissiah forgive us" written next to him in blood. An old servitor in the same room is soon activated and they attach a melta-cutterthey find in the same room to it.

On the same floor Zethena manages to shoot down my "cryptic dead guy" in a prison cell plan by announcing "I cast healer!". The man is the last survivor of the original Skitarii team and warns them a large Praetorian Servitor gunned his team down.

The players soon get into my Splinter Cell style "shoot the cameras" and find the keycards setup and stealthing it up going down the floors till they trigger the alarms and bring on gun servitors and Kill Squad troops alike. They of course smash their way through with minimal wounds.

In one room Octus finds an oversized Stormbolter getting worked on by a Technomat, he soon relieves him of said Stormbolter to much mad grinning. Zethena also finds a rather nice new Laspistol in a Kill Squad armoury and takes it to replace the regular one she has.

They soon find a store room with Shuriken Catapults and documents detailing the operation they shut down in Gunmetal City.

The party dispatches more gun servitors before a huge Praetorian rumbles out. In an amazing display of dodging, running and fighting they take it down without getting hit by any of the lethal Heavy Bolter ammo.

They finally confront the Heretech where they find he's been working on recreating the Iron Men from legend. Two of them attack but are soon suffering from the combined firepower of the Acolytes (specially Octus's Stormbolter). Vector makes a break for it activating a self destruct, a void shield activates to trap them but Yada expertly flips out with Octus diving behind her. The two ambush Vector as he makes a break for it with Zethena smashing through the steel shutters that he'd dropped behind him through the other exit. A burst of las fire hit the heretech before Yada charged in and decapitated him. Octus finally gets a real bolt pistol after finding one on the Heretech and Yada grabs his shiny knife. Meanwhile Nayki deactivates the self destruct and the supplies stolen from the Mechanicus are saved.