Dark Heresy Acolyte's Notebook

Ok peeps, here's where i'm going to stick notes from the games you play about characters you meet. I've got mad plans for all this but for now it'll mostly be about NPCs which will be handy unless your character's name is Yada and already have these notes ;)

Also now started nicking bits from the character portfolio such as the Inquisition Data:


Inquisition Data

Inquisitor: Inquisitor Gravious Hark
Ordos: Xenos
Current Retinue members: Zethena, Yada, Nayki, Octus, Carrius, Krak & Inez.
Additional Retinue members: Mercutio, Jaykes, Severine & Drake.
Other known Acolytes of your Inquisitor:

Tybalt: First met on Sepherus Secundus after the Return to the Shatters mission. Tybalt has the look of a rogue and acts like one too. Normally sporting a flashy looking white trenchcoat concealing numerous pistol holders he has a wiry frame and sharp, blue eyes that shine like a cat from beneath his ruffled dark brown hair. You don't know much about him but have heard he's renowned for being able to "obtain" anything required for missions, as well as being one of Inquisitor Harks top operatives.

Lorelii Dekanta: First met on Scintilla after The Smoking Gun mission where she offered any scholarly types access to the Inquisitions archives on known Xenos and Cults up to Red level Clearance. Lorelii is a striking and severe looking woman who's warmer than she appears. One of Inquisitor Hark's senior Explicators who serves as a emissary and translator. She's an expert negotiator and you know her to be steadfast and wise. 

The Psyker: First met after the Shades on Twilight spacehulk mission. He was a bald man with an unsightly plate bolted to his head and tiny ears who coordinated with you while the Inquisitors was away. He wore robes and Zethena mentioned afterwards that he was another Psyker. He was the man who gave out the Excoriators gilded bolt shell.

Aristarchus the Seer: A highly trusted and high ranking member of the Inquisition who was brought down by a foul Daemon. A descendant of the great Saint Drusus and was one of the sectors most powerful Diviners. Now Deceased.

Other known Inquisitors: Inquisitor Soldevan, Inquisitor Marr, Inquisitor Karkalla.

Cults, Heretics, Daemons and Xenos:

Mutants! Turns out some are good (for working in mines out of sight), some are bad, and all are butt ugly.

Tsyiak: First met on Iocanthos. Long ago banished by the great Saint Drusus, this Daemon has been plotting revenge for generations and was recently stopped by agents of the Inquisition (asin you lot!). The daemon now has a new name on it's list of revenge in the name of Carrius... mwahahahahaa cough!

The Serrated Query: A mysterious organisation identified by a symbol of a hooked sickle, a question mark formed from a blade. Rumour has it they are in league with the ruinious powers. They seemed to be involved with Theodosia who was manipulating "The Joyous Choir" on Scintilla.

Dark Eldar & Akirvas: At a glance Eldar appear very similar to and can be mistaken for humans, though they are generally taller, and slimmer, with sharp features and pointed ears. From what you learned off Brother Sergeant Agamorr there's 2 broad castes of Eldar; the regular ones and their more depraved cousins the Dark Eldar. Both use advanced weapons like shuriken or splinter guns and are very agile and quick. Akirvas was the Dark Eldar Haemonculi leading the Kabal of the Crimson Woe raiders on board the spacehulk Twilight. He made his escape with the Crimson Woe raiders who didn't get smashed appart by Brother Sergeant Agamorr's Thunder Hammer. Marginally wounded by Inez's shotgun he'd like nothing more than to get her on his torture table...

Logicians: A cult of Hereteks who use forbidden sciences to further their own ends. Nayki, Zethena, Yada & Cutter recently made a nice job of spoiling their plans to make a new sentient robot. This cult was also behind Xeno gun smuggling on Scintilla.



Dramatis Personae of The House of Dust & Ash, their fates and related notes.

NPCs met on the Cygan Martyr skyship:

Captain Elias Shadrack

Captain of the Cygan Martyr. Elias Shadrack is quite a dour man, and seems proud of his ship. He was happy to stick around and take the party back to shore after the Acolytes helped save his ship from wreckers.

Nahun Grist

Nahun is the Cygan Martyr's ship steward and cargo master. He's a bald, paunchy man who usually has a strapped down hand cannon at his side. Carrius observed him trying to calm down Lanus after his appartment was ransacked.

Lanus Cisten

Lanus wears fine quality robes and has the look of an adept. After talking to him that thought seems justified as he seems well learned and quite knowledgable about a wide aray of things, however he seems horribly out of depth in his endeaver to actually own an item of curious value instead of reading about it. He's accompanied by a young scribe named Whent, who's a somewhat feckless and stolid young man who constantly looks terrified.

Whent disappeared during the voyage to the House of Dust & Ash but Lanus survived and now feels endebted to the Acolytes.

Vymer & Quill

Vymer & Quill are a pair of middle-aged men wearing fairly non-descript clothes. They seem to be armed well though and have a dangerous air about them. They've mentioned being "bonded agent for a party that wishes to remain anonymous" but other than that have not been very forthcoming.

They where last spotted fighting just outside the auction areas just after the Sorrowful Guild mounrers went crazy attacking everyone. Fate unknown, presumed dead.

Octavia Nile

Octavia is an attractive young woman dressed in good quality business attire. Her manner has been fine and she's been very engaging in conversation with the other parties as well as your own. She claims to be working for a guild cartel and is accomponied by two silent bodyguards and a hooded adept.

Evidently quick witted, she exited the auction swiftly after the Guilded Widow demonstration. Fate unknown, presumed dead.

Abbot Tamas of Shale

Abbot Tamas is a heaving sweat stained cleric with blotchy skin and writhing meat worms for fingers. He's loud and highly strung who's been happy to rabbit on about seeing a divine vision of a holy relic he must obtain. His congregation has funded his trip in order to do this. Tamas is accomponied by four dishevelled looking journey-man clerics. Carrius now has the opinion that the most holy Abbot is either a fraud or possibly on drugs as he seemed vague about Ecclesiarchy practices whilst chatting with him.

Last seen at the auction enthralled by the Guilded Widow demonstration. Fate unknown, presumed dead.

Captain Rubio

Octavia is an attractive young woman dressed in good quality business attire. Her manner has been fine and she's been very engaging in conversation with the other parties as well as your own. She claims to be working for a guild cartel and is accomponied by two silent bodyguards and a hooded adept.

Last seen at the auction, though heard later near the entrance hall shouting "who nicked my bloody power sword!?!" Fate unknown, presumed dead since lacking suitable equipment to defend himself.

Magyar Marshrek

The only man attending the auction alone, he has the air of a stalking beast. He wears battered but functional looking armour with an old sabre wolf pelt draped on his shoulders, and ragged long hair and beard matching his demeanor. Won the illuminated page of vellum that contained the original route charter of the charter vessel "Nefarious Whisper" which dissapeared in the warp.

Fate unknown, presumed dead.

Master Nonesuch

A charming patrician man of indeterminate age who dresses in high quality sober clothes. He seems pleasant enough but Cutter thought there was something off about him, an instinct well founded when he was spotted whilst the party ran for the exit; a shadow resolved out of thin air and formed into Nonesuch, cutting down Lance and his bodyguard before fading from view again.

Fate unknown, presumed at large

Sipirit Daneen

A person who's gender is hard to dicern at first. Sipirit was first seen on Scintilla whilst the Acolytes investigated the Joyous Choir. He won a lot of bizarre items at the auction and remembered the Acolytes from Joyous Choir parties.

Fate unknown, presumed dead.

Lance Hatasho

A young arrogant man who was accompianed by guards who stood a distance to make him appear tougher. The strange painting inclined the young man might actually be of Haarlock blood but was killed before anyone could find out for sure.

Lord Gatenor

An overwieght pompus noble who was in over his head attending the auction.

Killed at the auction.

Lady Isabell Rosa

Ebony skinned, attractive and incredibly spoilt. This young woman was dressed in an elaborate white and green dress. Was utterly clueless and looked down on anyone who talked to her.

Killed by mourners in the entrance hall area.

Abodai Hailstreak

Dressed in a fine robe this mysterious man spent most the auction intently staring at people and was identified by Zethena as a psyker. He dissapeared not long after the minor auction.

Fate unknown, presumed dead.


Events of Interest:

Lanus Cisten's cabin is ransacked during a stormy night whilst he was away from his cabin. He claims his diary and notes on rumoured Auction items is missing. Also missing is his terrified assistant Whent.

Pirates! A ship of foul scum-of-the-earth type wreckers has attacked the ship! Vymer & Quill help defend the ship along with the Acolytes and Octavia Niles bodyguards.

Gun Servitors at the entrance tracked groups of people entering but not yours.

Yada, Carrius and Inez broke into several of the auction attendees rooms, grabbing some goodies and finding Vymer & Quills room booby trapped!

A mysterious painting at the auction with "the mirror of my blood" inscribed below resolved into a likeness of Lance? or Inez? or both? or neither?

The Gilded Widow seemed to be a monsterously powerful prophetic machine that had a evil presence to it. Possibly daemonic? It said Haarlock wasn't dead and asked for the scion of Haarlock's blood to fill it's chalice and it'd let everyone free.

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