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A race best known for their wicked evil, supreme intelligence and ruthless killings. The Chill race are generally power driven, megalomaniacs who want to have complete dominance over the entire Universe. Those who belong to this race but do not have these ambitions are normally classed as lone wolves, who go off and travel the universe, trying to find their purpose ....


Tail Swipe
Type: Melee
Description: The user just goes up to their oppoent and whacks him/her round the face with their tail.

Damage Factor: 200,000
Requirements: 300,000pl and 100,000ki.

Tail Slash
Type: Melee
Description: Like tail swipe, but instead the user hits the opponent two times.

Damage Factor: 400,000
Requirements: 500,000pl and 200,000ki.

Type: Energy
Description: A fast, sharp cutting beam shop out of one finger, used by many chills. This beam contains amazing power for its demeaning size, and can slice through almost anything.

Damage Factor: 600,000
Requirements: 450,000pl and 400,000ki.

Eye Laser
Type: Energy [attacking status]
Description: This is an attack which can prove very useful to the user. The attacker concentrates his or her energy, then let’s loose with two compact beams, one from each eye. The strength of the beams is dependant on that of the user, but it tends to be powerful enough to finish off opponents of approximately the same strength.

Status Factor: This technique cannot be evaded by Instant Teleportation.

Damage Factor: The damage is the current PL of the user at time of use.
Requirements: 1,500,000pl and 2,000,000ki (or) 2,000,000ml. (Can be used 3x a battle)

Death Beam
Type: Energy
Description: A long and narrow energy beam is fired from the fingertip of the user, purple in colour, that explodes on impact, causing severe levels of damage and hurt.

Damage Factor: 1,000,000
Requirements: 1,100,000pl and 500,000ki.

Rage of the Chills
Type: Energy [self status]
Description: In this move the user becomes angered by the opponent(s) and raises his/her power tremendously.

Status Factor: Raises current PL and SPD x2, and they take no damage from ANY melee or energy based race moves (with no status in them - not Ascended Race moves). Lasts for 3 turns only.

Requirements: 1,000,000pl and 500,000ki and 200,000ml. (Can only be done 2x a battle),

Death Storm
Type: Energy [wide area]
Description: Thousands of miniature energy balls are scattered by the user within a matter of seconds, surrounding all opponents in battle. Although the energy balls created were small they contain HUGE power and when detonated set off a chain of explosions which severly hurt all opponents!

Damage Factor: 1,500,000 (hits all opponents)
Requirements: 2,000,000pl and 1,300,000ki. (Can be used only 3x a battle)

Type: Energy [attacking status]
Description: A terrible attack using psychokinetic powers to immobilise an opponent and trap them in ball of energy from which they cannot break free from for 1 turn.

Status Factor: Stuns a single opponent for 1 turn.
Requirements: 3,200,000pl and 500,000ki or 500,000ml. (Can be used 4x a battle only)

Fissure Strike
Type: Melee [death damage]
Description: An attack that is used by a chill to stop anybody in their tracks, and cause great pain. When transformed into their second or third transformation only can a chill utilise this skill properly. When in either of these two transformations the horns ontop of their head grow bigger than usual and they can headbutt an opponent and use their horns to inflict two great wounds in their opponent's torso!

Damage Factor: 2,000,000
Requirements: 2,350,000pl and 800,000ki. (Can only be done 3x a battle, Second or Third Form transformation only!]

Death Saucer
Type: Energy [instant kill]
Description: A attack very similar to the Destructo Disc of the Human race, this move however is much more lethal! This is a spinning energy attack shaped like a saucer, that will track an opponent's inidividual energy traces (every one has their own unique energy levels) and if successfully hits can slice right through them and kill them instantly! This move cannot be evaded by Instant Teleportation ... beware!

Damage Factor: If unsuccessful in killing an opponent it causes 5,000,000 damage.
Requirements: 4,700,000pl and 3,200,000ki. (Can be used 2x a battle - 1x per opponent)

Hail Emperor
Type: Energy [special self status]
Description: Used by the mightiest of chill warriors, this special technique allows a chill to become a force in battle not to be reckoned with! It has many status advantages created when a changeling converts their mental energy into a physical force, surrounding the user in a mask of energy.

Status Factor: This move will raise the users current HP by 1/4 original amount of their Mental Energy. Then, this is where it gets interesting, whenever they are attacked by a move that contains ML, the amount of ML used in that attack is added to HP and they receive no damage from the attack, and any other attacks with ML in them for the next 5 turns! Any attack containing just Kinetic Energy is not abosrbed however, but damage is reduced by 50% (does not work against Ascended Race Moves, Supreme/Rapture Arts or Custom Made moves).

Requirements: 3,000,000pl and 5,000,000ml. (Can be used 2x a battle ony)

Death Ball
Type: Energy [obliterator lvl1]
Description: This is used commonly by most changelings. The user creates a small ball of energy from either the tip of his/her finger or with both hands, and directs it towards the planets core. While small, it is very powerful, and can even destroy planets.

Damage Factor: 10,000,000
Requirements: 6,000,000pl and 4,000,000ki and 3,000,000ml (Can only be done 3x a battle)

Cosmos Destroyer
Type: Energy [special attacking status]
Description: This attack has not been seen in battle for five decades, and was created by a chill warrior who was feared throughout the entire East Galaxy. He devised the ultimate attack, one that turns an opponent's greatest power into their achilles heel! This is truly one of the most practical attacks seen for a millenia, and not only does it severly weaken an opponent it causes huge amounts of damage.

Status Factor: This attack will focus on the the defence stat and then the next lowest stat of an opponent, and swap them! (So for example, if an opponent had 2,000,000def, and 800,000ml was their lowest current stat, they would be swapped, so the opponent would now have 800,000def and 2,000,000ml - which lasts for this turn/combo only). But then, not only will the opponent's DEF be weakened, it will then be halved, further lowering the defence of an opponent greatly, and then if not to add insult to injury how much it was halved by will be added to the current PL of the user! Because of the huge drain on the opponent's body, they are unable to attack, or do anything, for the next 2 turns (Stats are returned to normal after this attack/combo, if the opponent survives that is).

Damage Factor: 4,000,000
Requirements: 11,500,000pl and 7,000,000ki and 5,000,000ml. (Can be used 2x a battle only - 1x per opponent - MUST be learnt by training and unlocking it first)

100% Death Ball
Type: Energy [obliterator lvl3]
Description: A mass of energy that is blood red in colour and contains considerable power! The strongest version of the Death Ball, using 100% of a chill's maximum power!

Damage Factor: Damage is equal to current KI (at time of use) + current PL
Requirements: 18,000,000pl and all KI (Can only be done 1x a battle and can only be used while transformed into Fourth Form 100%)


First Form
Description: The first form of a chill is normally the only form you'll ever see. This state possesses much power, they simply just power up to their maximum!

Stat Increase: 800,000hp / 700,000pl / 500,000spd / 200,000ki / 600,000def / 200,000ml
Requirements: 600,000pl / 400,000ki / 350,000ml

Second Form
Description: The user grows at least twice the height they are in the first form, and their tail is twice as long. Along with this, their muscles increase in size and the horns on their head grow larger.

Stat Increase: 3,000,000hp / 2,500,000pl / 3,000,000spd / 600,000ki / 1,500,000def / 600,000ml
Requirements: 3,000,000pl / 1,800,000ki / 1,200,000ml

Third Form
Description: A lot like the second form, however spikes start to grow out of the elbows and back and head plate grows bigger.

Stat Increase: 7,000,000hp / 6,500,000pl / 5,000,000spd / 1,000,000ki / 4,500,000def / 1,000,000ml
Requirements: 5,000,000pl / 3,000,000ki / 2,000,000ml (must have completed 5 quests, 1 of which must be the conqeuring/owning of a planet)

Fourth Form
Description: The changeling regains its normal size (size of first form), but power increases to HUGE levels. They are now white all over, except for some purple plates on head, chest, arms and legs. They also loose their horns, but still have a tail.

Stat Increase: 20,000,000hp / 26,500,000pl / 15,000,000spd / 2,000,000ki / 20,500,000def / 2,000,000ml
Requirements: 15,000,000pl / 8,000,000ki / 8,000,000ml (must have completed 10 quests)

Fourth Form 50%
Turns Lasted: 20 turns
Description: The appearance is the same as Fourth Form, however the muscles are bigger, along with power level!

Stat Increase: 35,000,000hp / 30,000,000pl / 25,000,000spd / 20,000,000ki / 25,000,000def / 20,000,000ml
Requirements: 20,000,000pl / 15,000,000ki / 15,000,000ml (must have Fourth Form transformation on move list)

Fourth Form 100%
Turns Lasted: 15 turns
Description: This transformation uses 100% of the chill's power in order to gain immesaurable strength!

Stat Increase: 45,000,000hp / 35,000,000pl / 30,000,000spd / 25,000,000ki / 30,000,000def / 25,000,000ml
Requirements: 22,000,000pl / 20,000,000ki / 20,000,000ml (must have Fourth Form 50% transformation and conquered and own alteast 3 planets and created your own Empire)

Final Form
Turns Lasted: 5 turns
Description: Appearance is unknown.

Stat Increase: 60,000,000hp / 45,000,000pl / 40,000,000spd / 35,000,000ki / 40,000,000def / 35,000,000ml
Requirements: 22,000,000pl / 25,000,000ki / 25,000,000ml (must have Fourth Form 100% transformation, train in Kold Kingdom in order to unlock, completed 15 quests and own an Empire consisting of atleast 3 planets)

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