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Rare & Forbidden Items

Many secret and rare items that often contain vast power can be found here... Remember though, not all can be bought or found.

Time Crystal - A very potent and rare crystal that can be found on meteroties only at the outter edges of space. These crystals contain the power of the Gods and can speed up time, so much that upto 30 days passes in just 1 hour! You can use this crystal for travelling & regular training, special training and questing! Only one crystal can be used per month. Be warned there are limitations. If you are travelling or doing regular training then you must use it for 30 days only and you can do both at the same time, however you cannot use the cyrstal more than once (you cannot stagger the usage). However if you are using it for special training, you can do it for 14 days for one training... then another 14 days, but after that the power in the crystal would dry up and the crystal shatter due to the drain because it is Special Training! (you can never do more than 2x of special training with a Time Crystal, you can however do 1x regular training and upto 1x special training that lasts for 14 days only)

Gloves of Rebirth - ?????

Platinum Hourglass - An item that can fast forward time and skip up to 14 days in the space of just one day! Extremely powerful when used in conjunction with training, travelling or item/dball hunting. It can be used 1x a month only, and cannot be used with dead training (this item lasts for 3 uses only, then the sands of time run out and it becomes useless). It cannot be used to do more than one thing at a time, for example you cannot train and travel in 14days speeded up, one or the other.

Obelisk Bracelet - ?????

Warlord - An item that increases the move capacity of the warrior who posseses this. It is NOT a battle item, but it does increase the users total move slots by 20. Only 1 per person, ever! $120,000 (can be bought from this shop. It can also be sold for 1/2 price)

Ankh of Ahruzal - ?????

Scrolls of Past - These elusive scrolls are said to be myth... The ancient texture they contain is dated only so far back, written in a lost language that even pre-dates the last God War by 1,000 years! These scrolls can only ever be used once, as the lost magics that seal the hidden scriptures power will cause the scrolls to dissintigrate after they are unlocked! Nobody knows what knowledge, power, magic, good, or evil these scrolls contain..... Only 1 set of scrolls, ever! Hayubasa owns these scrolls. These scrolls unlocked the secret moves of the Demon race.

Zeal Parchment - ?????

Rune Tablet of Kulth’zar - ?????

Goblet of Nostalgia - ?????

Xens Papyri - A papyri which contains potent magics. When the ancient scriptures are read out loud the person reading them can manipulate the fabrics of time and be transported instantly to any planet in the North, South, East, West or Dark Galaxy, even if they haven't visited it before! Only the user and their training items, scouters & battle items can be transported as a ship is way too big to transport... Can be used 3x a lifetime only 2 in existence, Ragnarok owns one

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