Beast Boy (real name Garfield Logan) is a member of the Team. He grew up in Qurac on an animal sanctuary with his mother, Marie Logan. He received a blood transfusion of shape-shifted Martian blood from Miss Martian after being injured in an explosion. Initially his eyes became green, and over time so did his body. His body also acquired the ability to shape-shift from the transfusion.
As a young boy, Garfield was outgoing and energetic, yet also mature enough for an 8-year-old to help his mother to care for animals. He worshiped heroes, and after a blood transfusion from Miss Martian saved his life, he began to consider her his "blood sister."
As Beast Boy, Garfield still evinces a childlike personality. Often when someone explains anything to him or chides him for his behavior, he responds with "noted." Like Kid Flash, he has taken up the role of collecting souvenirs from each mission.
Current Version:
Beast Boy
Former Version:
Gar Logan