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Mon-El is the former prince of Daxam, who crash-landed on Earth after escaping the ravaging of his home planet. Mon-El is also the son of the late king Lar Gand and the late queen Rhea, the ex-boyfriend of Kara Danvers and the husband of Imra Ardeen. While adjusting to living on his new home world, he begins to use the identity of Mike Matthews. After supergirl tried to persuade him to use his powers to become a hero, but then later called her out saying she was not a hero, and he did not want to be a hero.

Later Mon-El was abducted by his parents and was almost forced to marry Lena Luthor. Then Mon-El was exposed to Earth's atmosphere filled with lead, he was forced to leave both Kara and Earth to find a habitable environment for his physiology, while entering a wormhole in the process. He arrived on Earth during the 31st Century, where he was cured of his lead allergy and later worked with the world's governments to form the Legion, a team of superheroes that followed in Supergirl's image.

Current Version:
Valor (Original Costume)

Former Versions:
Mon-El (Prince of Daxam)
Valor (Legionnaire)