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Wild Dog

Rene was born in Starling City, and raised in the dangerous district known as The Glades. He implies that his father was abusive to him. As a kid, he was caught tagging a building by an at the time beat cop, Quentin Lance who, instead of taking him into the police station, got on one knee and told him that he could be more than a regular thug. This set him on a much better path for life.

Prior to becoming a vigilante, Rene served with United States Navy later becoming a Navy SEAL. He was part of a team transporting a prisoner with valuable information, intelligence couldn't get the information out of him so Rene took matters into his own hands and tried to beat the information out of him, leading to Rene being dishonorably discharged. Rene married a woman named Laura and had a daughter with her, Zoe. Later on, Rene began to suspect that his wife was a junkie, and was proven correct when he found drugs in their bedroom. That night, he took Zoe to a ball game, when they returned to the house, it was ransacked, and Laura was held at gunpoint by her dealer, who demanded the $500 that Laura owed him for her last fix. Rene told him that the money was in the safe (where he actually keep his gun), and began to reach for it. Zoe then appears and unknowingly spooks the drug dealer, causing him to throw Laura on the ground. Rene grabbed his gun and killed the man, but not before discharging a stray bullet that would kill Laura. Following this incident, Zoe was removed from Rene's custody and placed in a foster family.

On the night that Damien Darhk was killed, Rene called child services and asked to see his daughter, only to be rejected multiple times, rudely. After hearing about Darhk's death at the hands of the Green Arrow, he was inspired to take justice into his own hands. Rene began acting as a vigilante. However, his antics were disapproved by Green Arrow who warned him to stay off the streets, though he didn't listen.

Current Version:
Wild Dog (Body Armor)

Former Version:
Wild Dog (Hockey Jersey)