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Arthur "A.C." Curry

F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Am50
E) Am50
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 160 Karma: 60
Resorces: Rm Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Body Armor: Gd protection vs. Physical
Water Freedom: Doesn't suffer penalties from any underwater battles
Enhanced Senses: Ex Sight
Hyper Swimming: Gd waterspeed
Resistance to Cold: Ex
Night Vision: Doesn't suffer any penalties against darkness
Water Missile: While in the water, A.C. is able to create a "water missile" that does Rm Force


Dehydration: A.C. needs to immerse himself in water for at least an hour every 24 hours to keep his powers and stats at peak levels. For every two hours past that point, reduce all his physical stats and powers 1 rank. This affects his Health too. One hour's immersion in water will immediatley restore all lost ranks and health.

Talents: Ocean Life, Marine Biology, Student

Contacts: Clark Kent, Lois Lane

A.C. fresh from the water