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The Atom

The Atom

Ray Palmer

F) Ex20/Gd10
A) Ex20/Gd10
S) Am50/Ex20
E) Mn75/Ex20
R) Ex20
I) Rm30
P) Rm30

Health: 165/60 Karma: 80
Resources: Ex Pop: 10

Known Powers:

A.T.O.M. Exosuit: The Advanced Technology Operating Mechanism Exosuit, officially designated O.M.A.C. by Queen Consolidated, is an exosuit designed by Ray Palmer. It gives him the following abilities:
-Alter-Ego: Stats are changed as above
-Body Armor: In protection vs. Physical and Corrosives, Am protection vs. Heat and Cold, Mn protection vs. Energy
-Flight: he suit contains high powered propulsion jets on the back, shoulders, upper arms, and in the legs, allowing the wearer to fly at Am airspeed and still perform most actions.
-Protected Senses: Rm protection vs. Sound and Light. Blindness only lasts 1 round max.
-Sensors: Am intensity at a 3 area range in the Ultraviolet, Infrared, Sonar, Radar, Spectral and more frequencies. Mn ability to communicate on all radio frequencies.
-X-Ray Vision: Am ability to use the equivalent of x-ray vision to see through walls.
-Facial Recognition: Am, Felicity Smoak built the suit to make use of facial recognition, regardless of how vague it is.
-Computer Link: The Atom is able to link with computer systems, guarded or otherwise at Mn intensity. He may use this ability to scour computer files, access security records, see through security cameras, see through surveillance satellites.
-Systems Monitoring: Displays within the helmet inform him of the status of weapons and power level.
-Shrinking: By utilizing similar nanites to those used to shrink Palmer's blood clot in his brain, the suit is able to shrink the space between atoms, even keeping the subject shrunken down after removing the suit with In ability. Weapons Systems: The A.T.O.M. Exosuit has the following weapons:
-Compressed Solid Light Blasters: Up to Mn Force, up to 10 areas
-Electricity Projection: Am Electricity, 7 areas

Talents: Computers, Engineering, Business/Finance

Contacts: Palmer Technologies, Felicity Smoak

Ray Palmer