Bruce Wayne
F) Am50
A) In40
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) In40
I) Ex20
P) Am50
Health: 140 Karma: 110
Resources: In Pop: 0/50
Known Powers:
Stealth: Am
Martial Arts Supremecy: Am, Bruce has the ability to hit anything that he aims at with any melee or thrown weapon that he can get hold of. Treat this as an Am addition to his Weapons Master talent.
Body Armor: Gd protection vs. Physical and Shooting, Gd protection vs. Energy, has the following abilities:
-Blending: Rm Blending abilities and +1CS on Stealth
-Latex Material: Coated with a black latex material to dampen Bruce's heat signature with Rm ability, making him difficult to detect with nightvision equipment.
Gauntlets: In material, Gd Edge, allows Batman to block attacks from knives and other stabbing weapons with an Agility FEAT.
-Firing Blades: The edges on Batman's gauntlets can fire up to 2 areas, causing Gd Edge
Cowl: Ex protection vs. Blunt attack
Memory Cloth Cape: Gd Glider
Utility Belt: The utility belt is a modified climbing harness, containing the following:
-Magnetic Gas-Powered Grapple Gun: In material, fires up to 7 areas, used for transportation, Up to 3 areas
-Batarangs: Rm Thrown Edge
-Encrypted Cell Phone: In communications
-Medical Kit: Rm
-Multifunction Binoculars: Magnifies up to 60 times. Equipped with infrared and limited ultraviolet imaging (-2CS to darkness modifiers), as well as frame capture, stop-motion camera, and computer uplink.
-Subsonic Bat Call: Attracts all bats within a 10-mile radius.
-Smoke Capsule: Ex intensity, 1 area radius. All in the affected area at -2CS to performing actions.
Talents: Actor, Acrobatics, Detective/Espionage, Engineering, Repair/Tinkering, All Martial Arts, Military, Criminology, Multi-Lingual: (English, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Filipino, Korean, Arabic, Turkish, Polish, German, Latin, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Hebrew, Thai, Vietnamese, Kryptonian), Literature, Psychology, Spy, Thief, Vehicles, Wrestling, Tumbling, Business/Finance, Chemistry, Biology, Computers, Electronics, Sleight of Hand, Resist Domination, Tracking, First-Aid, Law, Law Enforcement
Contacts: Wayne Enterprises, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Rachel Dawes, Captain James Gordon