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Black Lightning

Black Lightning

Jefferson "Jeff" Pierce

F) Ex20
A) Gd10
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 80 Karma: 70
Resources: Ty Pop: 20

Known Powers:
Electrical Generation: Jeff can generate electricity from his body which he can manipulate and control. He is also able to manipulate the electricity around him. Jeff can only take electricity from its source, channeling it via his body, but he can't actually generate or create electricity. He is able to perform the following power stunts:
-Electrical Absorption: Am ability to absorb electricity and use it in his energy blasts. He can absorb up to Mn if he makes a Yellow Endurance FEAT and Un if he makes a Red Endurance FEAT.
-Electrical Blasts: Am Electrical, 10 areas, +1cs to hit
-Electrical Constructs: Mn ability to use his electrokinetic powers to create physical objects out of electric energy. He has created the following:
--Electrical Shield: Am ability to form a shield against Energy attacks. Black Lightning must make a Red Psyche FEAT. vs. solid projectiles
--Electrical Orbs: Am ability to make orbs of electrical energy from as small as a basketball (an aspect of his power that he normally uses in combat as ammunition) to as large as a fully-grown adult (an aspect of his powers that he has recently developed which essentially imprisons a target with electricity, preventing them from physically interacting with any person or object and blocking any active power usage).
--Electrical Whips: In Ensnarement
-Electric Taser: In ability to use his electricity to act as a taser from his hands, thus knocking his opponents unconscious for 1-10 rounds
-Electro-Telekinesis: Am ability to manipulate the matter of objects with electricity or electromagnetism
-Immune to Electricity: Un
-Regeneration: Ty
-Vocal Manipulation: Gd ability to change his voice through the use of electricity by vibrating his vocal cords with his own electricity, thus making his voice much deeper than usual.

Black Lightning suit: Jeff began wearing a new suit, made by Peter Gambi, to aid him in fights and to hide his identity. The suit grants him the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical
-Electric Vision: His goggles allow him to see objects that have an electric current running through them with Ex ability
-Flight Mode: Gd ability
-Gauntlets: The right gauntlet grants Jeff the following:
--Electrical Shot: +1cs to Marksmanship, it creates a thinner flow of electricity, for when dealing with a large crowd of people, Jeff can easily fire the electricity at the intended target.
--Electrical Shield: In protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Communications: Ex ability to communicate with Gambi
-Camouflage Mode: Rm invisibility

Talents: Educator, Leadership, Martial Arts A, B, Acrobatics, Bi-Lingual: (English, Spanish), Marksmanship, Stealth

Contacts: Lynn Stewart-Pierce, Thunder/Anissa Pierce, Lightning/Jennifer Pierce, Peter Gambi, Garfield High School

Jefferson Pierce