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Cyborg Superman

Cyborg Superman

Hank Henshaw

F) In40
A) Ex20
S) Mn75
E) Mn75
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 210 Karma: 70
Resources: Rm Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Cyborg Physiology: Through unknown means, Hank became a cyborg and the cyborg physiology grants him special powers and abilities:
-Body Armor: Mn protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Invulnerability to Heat, Cold, Corrosives and Radiation: Sh-X
-Immune to Disease and Toxins: CL1000
-Heat Vision: Up to Un Energy, 10 areas
-Computer Interface: As a cyborg, Hank can get inside many types of machines using some sort of port in his hand with Mn ability
-Hyper Speed: Cyborg Superman possesses hyperspeed at Mn rank. She may:
--Substitute for Fighting for multiple attacks and evading. May make up to 3 combat actions per round.
--Substitute for Agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
--Substitute for Intuition for initiative.


Talents: Leadership, Military, Guns, Martial Arts A, B

Contacts: Cadmus, Lillian Luthor