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Green Arrow

Green Arrow

John "Dig" Diggle

F) Rm30
A) Gd10
S) Ex20
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 80 Karma: 60
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:

Green Arrow Costume: The Green Arrow suit is a protective suit that Diggle wears as the vigilante archer, Green Arrow. It was created by Cisco Ramon. It provides him with the following:
-Body Armor: Gd protection vs. Physical
-Voice Filter: Gd ability to disguise his voice, when ever he is talking to people, who knows what his voice sounds like, as The Arrow
Green Monster: Fires up to 7 areas, The Green Monster is a custom crossbow created by Felicity Smoak and Curtis Holt for John Diggle. The Green Monster fires arrows instead of crossbow bolts.The Arrow can use it in the following ways:
-Grapnel: The bow has a device that allows him to pull arrow hook by an automated way, thus being able to climb on flat surfaces in a matter of seconds.
Trick Arrows: Oliver has used custom-designed arrows. He has the following types of arrows in his quiver:
-Regular Arrow: Rm Edge
-Router Arrow: Shot near computers to hack into them with In ability
-Grappling Hook Arrow: 2 areas long, In material, grabs on to ledges for swing lines and zip lines. Can be used with the bow.
-Voice Recording/Listening Arrow: Rm recording and listening devices for recording confessions and surveillance.
-Ensnarement Arrow: In ensnarement, After piercing a target it launches wires into the area around the target and then pulls them tight.
-Flashbang Arrow: Rm Blinding, 1 area
-Explosive Arrow: Am damage, both time-delayed and impact to blow a door and to disable moving cars.
-Flare Burst Arrow: Gd light, Am damage
-Tranquilizer Mini-Dart Arrow: Small dart thrown to deliver an In sedative.
-Incendiary Arrow: Am Heat
-Remote Detonator Arrow: Am Explosive that can be detonated by remote control.
-Syringe Arrow: An arrow with a syringe (Ex Edge) in the tip to inject liquids into target.
-Electric Arrow: An arrow with a device that emits Am Electricity by remote control.
-Zip Tie Arrow: Gd ensnarement
-Bola Arrow: Rm ensnarement
-Rope Tying Arrow: Ex ensnarement, used to tie around a person's legs and hang that person upside down.
-Non-Lethal Arrow: Ty Edge, Arrows designed not to penetrate the target's skin, making them non-lethal.
-Cable Net Arrow: In material, When the arrowhead explodes strong cables are sent in all directions, similar to a spider web, to block the path of escaping criminals.
-Double Arrow: The tip of the arrow splits in two dealing Ex Edge from both arrows when fired. Allowing for two targets to be hit, a wire can also be projected between the two arrow heads, acting as Ex ensnarement.
-Magnet Arrow: Am ability to attract metal, used to disarm guns from enemies.
-Parachute Arrow: Ty
Fletchettes: Ex Thrown Edge or Blunt

Nerve Damage: Following the events of Lian Yu, the nerves in John's right arm has been permanently damage, to the point that he can no longer aim any gun properly, even at close-range; he must make a Red FEAT when firing a weapon to hit his target. To remedy this, John has been regularly injecting himself with some sort of illegal drug to stabilize his tremors.

Talents: Military, Guns, Martial Arts B, Detective/Espionage, Tracking, First Aid, Bi-Lingual: (English, Arabic)

Contacts: Lyla Michaels, Oliver Queen, Team Arrow, A.R.G.U.S.