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F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) Am50
I) Am50
P) Rm30

Health: 270 Karma: 130
Resources: Un Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Coluan Construct: Indigo was previously known as Brainiac 8. Brainiac 8 is a Coluan cybernetic being, whose very body gives her the following abilities:
-Cybernetic Interface: Un ability to transfer body in the form of digital code and teleport through any technology by flying into it while in digital form. She can use any electronics as a portal to another destination, traveling through electronic and digital signals, while she is unable to travel through older broadcasting signals. She also could teleport only part of her body if she willed it, as she teleported her arm through a phone's screen, causing it to teleport out from Winn's computer and choke him. She can interface with any machinery and manipulate computer systems, as well as detect digital electronics and signals, while she could not do so with older broadcasting signals and technology.
-Super Speed: Un
-True Invulnerability: Mn protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Immune to Radiation, Disease and Toxins: CL1000
-Self-Sustenance: Doesn’t need to eat, sleep or breathe, can survive in the vacuum of space
-Shape-Shifting: Indigo can take the form of a blue athletic female or a blond human, the latter of which she only appeared as while projecting herself on computers or video screens.
--Elongation: Mn ability to manipulate her limbs to stretch and elongate to almost no limit
--Weapon Creation: Mn ability to turn her fingers into claw like blades that deal up to Mn Edge
-Self-Repair: As a digital being, Indigo is able to self-repair, though she only if she is conscious with Mn ability


Talents: Computers, Stealth, Martial Arts A, B, E

Contacts: Non, Non’s Army